If reddit was a country, what it would be?

If reddit was a country, what it would be?

Attached: Reddit-Logo.png (2250x1266, 16.06K)

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One of the Nordic countries.

An absolute shithole like Somalia


Same country as Yas Forums


Belgium or Canada

Unironically Hong Kong

what is even the problem with reddit? you hate them cuz they are left leaning?

Obviously it would be Germany

Unironically Canada

Canada, Amsterdam

Seriously fuck reddit

The United States. It kind of is, actually.

Attached: 20200309_193612.jpg (1080x1710, 550.87K)

I hate them because
1- they are hypocrites
2-their comedy is very bad
3-they are very racist despite acting as not
4-don't respect other opinions
5-always talk about things they don't know about, in full confidence as well

An absolute shithole like Germany

Iran &Lebanon

Reditors are incapable of coming out with anything original, it's always the same shitty memes that get exploited for 2 weeks. Worse still, they spread their culture everywhere, just look at what they have done to Yas Forums.

Sweden / Germany/ Canada





Reddit is far more creative than Yas Forums will ever be
This is a shithole.



people of Yas Forums

Canada or the Netherlands
USA is the Facebook of countries, get it right

sorry but it's ture
Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Kurds,...ect

The Nordics, Canada and New Zealand are peak Reddit countries.

>always talk about things they don't know about, in full confidence as well
this is the worst one

this can be applied to everything, fag.

Is that the 30 year old comsoomer dude? That profile pic looks 100% like him
Probably the UK if it was majority Labour. It is pretty much a police state with only token democratic civil rights. You need a loicense for everything there, including not sharing your wife