Why is France so evil?

Why is France so evil?

Attached: Dib5NW0XcAAVcKN.jpg (513x682, 77.66K)

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wtf i hate france now?

Africa starts at Calais.



Nah it starts at London.

>there are people who unironically belive this
this is pretty scary

Wrong, France ends at Cape Agulhas.

Seems pretty fake and probably is.

It actually collects that only from Algeria with help of our traitors.
I'd say it collects 1.6 trillion dollars, but it doesn't go to the french people, it goes to the french deep state.
Charles De Gaul said to his weeping bloody generals after losing Algeria : "Don't worry, I left in Algeria, people who love France more than a french"
Also you Americans or Chinese or anybody would do the same if you had traitors loyal to you. Americans and Chinese and Turkey do push their interests and defend them ruthlessly, but each has his own way.

Attached: war.png (789x698, 770.74K)

I know it's a bait, but just in case anyone wants to know about it :
It's not even well presented. It's about the Franc CFA, which is a currency, and requires a reserve for stability. Nobody is 'cashing in' the money, certainly not France, so it's not a tax. It also has a positive annual interest that's pretty high.
Because of their being illiterate, a lot of african think it's somehow a tax on their asses and want to get rid of it. They can do so for all I care, they'll be worse off.
Also, aside from that, we give them money all the time in various forms. Sure it's nothing compared to what a country like Poland gets, but also, they don't fucking develop anything contarily to the latter, so why should we give them a dime more?

Why not just end all relations with Africa if they are ungrateful as you think. Not fair of them.

he said africa, not pakistan

lel a fucking trillion? Five hundred times your yearly negative commercial balance? Care to argue that?

>I'd say it collects 1.6 trillion dollars
>we collect more than all of their gdps combined

you know that's physically impossible right ?

Well, no country ever 'ends all relations' with another, it's suicidal. But yeah, clearing up the mess and making everything more clear would be good, even if it was a bit less advantageous to both parties ; economics aren't everything, I'd rather have Africans in the former colony stop thinking everything that goes wrong is function of our policies in the region. What can I do though, I'm no one.

>Don't worry, I left in Algeria, people who love France more than a french
People from metropolitan France hated pieds-noirs more than the algerians did
Fucking parisian scum

>more than the algerians did
Probably not. But without exageratting it, you're right. De Gaulle abandonned Algeria because he didn't like the pieds-noirs *and* he didn't want France swarmed with a growing Algerian population. What would have been the life of the pieds-noirs without the decolonization, in an Algeria that hated them (whatever the OAS para believed, it was politically too late)?
I don't defend De Gaulle, I think he was a traitor in many aspects, but maybe it was for the best in the end...

You steal it. that's why it is negative.
That just means when you stop, it will go into our GDPs. That's obvious.
It would be ideal to cut it all. Africa is bringing down France.
De Gaul clearly meant Algerian traitors "Harkis" not pieds-noire, they are french.

If Algeria was still part of France (which became impossible since we started the liberation war) there would be 45 million Algerians living in mainland France, and they would be all muslim too.

>You steal it. that's why it is negative.

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 81.17K)

>he didn't want France swarmed with a growing Algerian population.
More like he didn't want the political power to switch to Alger because that would have been on conflict with (((their))) interests.

There was 1.000.000 pieds-noire 200.000 of them were sephardi jews. Jews were counted as Indegenous untill a jew in the parliment passed a law that normalized them in 1870.

this, plus coming from a burger thats rare

No wonder France is pushing multiculti the hardest.
It seems like the more a country pushes it and acts über tolerant, the more dirt they have on their hands.

The Subaltern conception of wealth is that it's literally in the ground and that if it weren't for Europeans cracking the whip hand it'd be free for Africans to use instead.
It's like a crude Marxist view of the world where there's also a lot of spooky inferences about things somehow having inherent value outside of what human societies give to them.
These people can never, ever explain how tiny microstates situated on rocks like San Marino or Singapore are orders of magnitude more wealthy than even the most endowed of independent African countries.

sauce on those claims ?

More or less, that was my point, yes. For partially wrong reasons and by anti-national means, De Gaulle did a good thing.

Yes, that's part of the bad reasons. But it doesn't overtake the demographic swarming point, which would have made any other matter secondary.

I hear this shit all the time, there is probably some truth about it but also a lot of exaggeration

> De Gaulle did a good thing
depends for which parts

>colonial taxes
It’s not a tax
>they’d probably be third world
Highly unlikely

They are fucking over their people.

Wasn't Algeria population pretty low compared to France by that time? iirc, it was only after independence that we started to shit a lot of kids

Africa-tier conspiracy theory

yeah basically but the repartition of the population was more or less the same

its just chimping and black american talking shit as ususal