How does it feel to live in those countries?

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incredibly pleasant, sell your house and come over here we will shower you with tropical hugs and kisses

It must be great,
I heard anglos go there to have pool parties filled with naked women

My future wife will be from one of these countries, they are perfect for wife hunting. I think I will skip Thailand and Phillipines, it is so overdone.

Maybe Burmese or Malaysian wife will suite me best. However I will have to deal with loser chinese men coming in and stealing all the women.

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Sounds extremely ironic. Tell us your real feelings

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imagne living in a cheap version of china

real feelings? hmm...

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at least you have more souls than we do

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at least white mixed kids are beautiful, and they dont mind taking our rejects either
chink men only take the prettiest and ruin our genepool

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I am not white tho, well maybe. I am CHI. My children will probably look like me.


half mexicans still looks good, take a look at that goblin baby, she has the purest austronesian phenotype and ruin it for that abomination

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>chink men only take the prettiest and ruin our genepool
That's strange because Chink men in here don't want their bloodlines to be polluted even further, even though they themselves are considered mutts by actual Chinks.

Meanwhile even your average guy here can marry a Chink girl as long as he has a decent job.

Don't get so territorial over women bro. Mexicans are the original hapas, we have spanish blood and native blood and the natives were from Siberia. That is why Guatemalans have chinese eyes.

If you're rich move here and toggle on our finest untouched cunny we've prepared for you white master.

where white guys go to fuck children

Indonesia would be superpower in this day under dutch ruling, now Atjeh will takeover every island and sharia law will become the norm.

Never got the difference between "these" and "those" tho

>sharia law
Sharia means law
>law law
Also Islam is their religion, not the polytheistic teaching of the church.

chink men don't marry natives at all except if the women are very pretty because they hae money, their offspring of southern chink+austronesian are your average monkie looking southeast asian.

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How did chinese even get those kind of w*men here? Are they considered more attractive or something?
t.23yo neet KHHV

It's pretty nice, 7-9/10 virgin brown qts prowling around, we got Islam, lots of malls, eternal summer, cheap food, comfy beaches, relarively safe from terrists or crime organizations. It's a rosy carefree life. Only people who fail here are those losers who think too much about "progress".

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Malaysia is a very racist country though, Indians and Chinese are treated badly. Even the language Bahasa Malaysia was named so that only Malaysians could say it is their mother tongue. And that foreigners can never be Malaysian.

money and power

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>Malaysia is a very racist country
Even towards white BAVARYAN BVLLS?

you are german

Sexpat loser white, what is the matter? Are you unsuccessful with girls from your own race now you wish to steal an asian girl? And yes ethnic malays hate foreigners ruining they country.

Germany is a meme I don't wanna be part of
r/aznidentity much?

i know indonesian is islamic but they leaning more and more to the extremist side of islam. in a fee decades every island will have the same ruled as in Atjeh, and christian villages will be destroyed including my fathers one in sulawesi

>We got islam
>RELATIVELY safe from terror

Racism is everywhere too though. But with moolah, anyone will bow down to you.

I dont get this pic

that's because they are the source of terrorism and send it everywhere else


you are all based and I love you and I love Indonesia

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Yes, that is an Asian American community to have positive discussions on identity and such. Your point?