Lmao come and take Constantinople from us if you can white boi

Lmao come and take Constantinople from us if you can white boi

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it's not 2016 anymore sorry you are late to the party

umm i think you mean istanbul

you are not BLACK cracker

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>it's not 2016 anymore sorry you are late to the party

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Turkey is long overdue for a good and serious assfucking from Russia. It's going to be glorious.

actual BLACK BVLL (GREEK) here

you are not BLACK sandcrackers apologize to me for larping

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damn I really didn't expect this response not at all no

screenshotting this thread to bring to /tr/, we must talk about these proxies pretending to be turks and black

Ignore this cracker , real austrians are BLACK

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>my wh*Te ass is on fire

tell those crackas that I am coming to IstanBVLL for their asses

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ha, so it is the greeks who are trying to shitpost with turk flag? thanks for the evidence dumbo, you fogot you proxy.

greeks have a tendency to steal turkish stuff and rebrand it as theirs

it's actually a meme irl here in Turkey

I am not gr**k I am BLACK

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ngl I actually lol'd

Assad will personally siege Ankara himself.

Since when did African pirates team up with Turkey

Turkey should just give Istanbul back to Greece. Think about it.

>Istanbul pop: 15 million
>Greece pop: 11 million
>Istanbul given back to Greece gives Greece majority Muslim / Turkish population
>hold referendum on whether or not Greece and Turkey should become one country
>Turks vote yes
>Greece officially annexed into Turkey

>literally steals Greek land
>rebrands it

wtf based?

Turks women love blacked porn

why is she on Tinder?

No one wants to retake Constantinople.

I really want to see her ass naked
Prostitutes don't use tinder where you live?

Don't know. Never used it. Is it more or less a prostitution app now?

like gyros and yoghurt?

maybe they could keep all of their land if they weren't weak sissies

They lost it cause the perfidious Christian crusaders backstabbed them instead of helping against the T*rk menace

Why did they need crusaders then? Can it be because we were destroying their asses?

everything Greek is originally theirs. Nothing about their culture is Greek, Arab, Persian, Kurdish, Armenian.

holy based

And in turn your "empire" was rekted by the same people you claim to be superior to. Including Greeks.

>The name comes from the Greek γύρος ("circle" or "turn"), and is a calque of the Turkish word döner, from dönmek, also meaning "turn".[9] It was originally called ντονέρ (pronounced [doˈner]) in Greece.[5] The word ντονέρ was criticized in mid-1970s Greece for being Turkish

Surrounded by enemies with barbaric Slavs to the North and hordes of unwashed Turkic subhumans to the East.

Turks only had to deal with enemies to the West.

>Turks only had to deal with enemies to the West.
We were invaded by Mongols

Yeah yeah at the end of the day they got conquered and lived as 2nd class citizens for hundreds of years

>The Greek Empire of Byzantium ended on Tuesday May 29, 1453 when its capital, Constantinople, fell to the Turks. This day is the black day in Greek history. By the end of the 15th century, Greece was under Turkish Muslim rule. Over the next 400 years, the Greeks were slaves to the Turks, deprived of their human rights, considered as second class citizens (rayas means beast in Turkish language), worked and live only for their rulers. Harems of Pashas were full of Christian girls while the body guards of Sultan (Jenisaries) were Christian children who were taken by force from their parents and trained to fight and kill their own people.

>Many attempts were made by the Greeks to gain their freedom, but they were unsuccessful and paid dearly for their rebellion against their masters.

>The situation was intolerable in Morias (Peloponnese), Roumeli (South Mainland), Epirus and Macedonia where rayas (as Turks called the Greeks) worked all day in the field just to be able to pay their "head tax" (Kefalikos phoros) to the tyrants. It was called a "head tax" because of they refused or could not pay their huge tax, they would be beheaded or "lose their head" literally. Many Greeks rebelled against the Turks and hid in the mountains and caves. The Turks called these men "Kleftes." The "Armatoloi" also fought alongside the "Kleftes" to free their people. Places like Mani (near Sparta), Suli (near Ioannina) and Sfakia in Crete remained most of the Ottoman period free regions.

Turks fought multi front wars simultaneously with Russia to the north, Austria/Italy/Spain and the west to the west, Persia to the East, and Portugal to the south/Indian Ocean.

>an entirely new and original meat dish (do not steal) is this nation's greatest achievement
so this.. is the power.. of 89 IQ.