Why is losing weight so fucking hard normies can eat literally whatever they want and never gain weight

why is losing weight so fucking hard normies can eat literally whatever they want and never gain weight

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I'm 85kg (182cm.) I'm so flabby and soft. My love handles are massive.
I want to lose 10kg, but it's so hard. I can't stop eating delicious food.

>I can't stop eating delicious food.
I dont even eat delicious food mate and i still cant kick it. Starvation seems to be the only thing that works

>tfw bingeing on toasted bread and olive oil

I went from 319lbs and now am stuck at 259lbs. I was fasting so I guess that meme worked for a little while, I am not doing nothing now.


Some fags just have a fast metabolism while my body really desperately clinges on the fat. If my subhuman body wants to die, so fcking be it

Nigga I can't gain weight. I'm 179cm and 63 kg.

>tfw i eat stale bread
i dont even know why i do it
>I went from 319lbs and now am stuck at 259lbs
thats pretty good tho m8 congrats
whats that

Drink water. Eat laxatives. Have someone else control your finances so you are unable to buy food. You eat because you are bored not cause you are hungry.

Alternative, get the shit of a skinny guy and stick it up your ass. Unironically this has shown to help reduce weight by changing gut biome.

>New job has me walking a decent amount every day rather than just chained to a desk
>'rona starts up and I'm stuck at home
>Weight started to creep up again
This was supposed to be the year I actually lost weight

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Try intermittent fasting
But remember, not all people are the same, some foods that makes other fat might make you not fat and the reverse is correct, it's best to ask a nutritionist

Hei, I'm not a normie. If anything, normies get fat.

iktf bro i finally got into a routine of doing an hour of exercise a day and it was my mini shangrila and corona took it from me
>Try intermittent fasting
i have thought of it. Does it work? Any tricks to get started?

It's not that hard just measure your calories

Try intermittent fasting. Easiest is 8 hour eating window with 16 hours of fasting. From there you can find 20/4, one meal a day, one meal every two days... you can pair this with something like Cronometer to make sure you get all your nutrients.
If you want to work out but are too autistic/ashamed to go to a gym, "Overcoming Gravity" is worth reading.

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>does it work
It does
>any tricks for starting
YouTube is your friend

i'm 170cm, 56kg and eat like a mosnter
feels good to be a fast metabolism manlet chad

i only eat shitty food and the only time i walk out of my room is to walk my dog 15 minutes three times a day, i can't gain a single kilo of fat, only muscle which i can barely lose despite being innactive

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just stop eating you fat fuck
it's not like you have to do something
stop. eating. shit.

lmao just eat less and start running

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If you drink sodas, your crying wojak makes no sense as you have only yourself to blame.

Only eat during breakfast and dinner, you'll lose more than you think.

I struggle to put on weight even if it's just fat. No special reason to it, I just don't eat many calories and that's what I'm used to so it's difficult to change. I often oversleep and miss breakfast, I feel full quickly, I hate the taste of fatty or sugary foods.I'm barely in the healthy BMI range, if I get ill or something I'll fall right down into underweight and it'll be difficult going back up.

I gain most of my weight in my neck/chin/face which makes me look fatter.
Curse my Irish subhuman genes.

This pretty much, I have no idea how people get fat
t. 185 cm 70 kg

>tfw binge ate pizza and ice cream for literally my entire life and never got fat
>24 years old now
>metabolism isn't going to last much longer

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Normies also go to the gym. Get your fat ass away from the computer and go out and exercise.

exercice, if you burn calories you get hungry

just eat less????? guaranteed to work every time

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I drink diet soda.
8 calories per 2L

it's not that easy i'd have to be at a caloric deficit for months

god damn it you're making my insecure 23 year old mind even more insecure

I only eat twice a day and don't gain weight, I eat as much as I want yesterday I had triple patty burger and today I had half a pizza.
I fast between 7AM and 7PM, only water.
Before 7 I have my coffee, after 7 I can have beer.

>If you drink sodas
literally never drink sodas

I run 5k three times a week, and you're right it does help. I've been stable for a while though, not going down but not really going up either. Tbh I need to start lifting weights or at least doing body weight exercises, but since I haven't started it I feel like extra calories won't be making more muscle.

Well then I don't know.
Maybe try tree nuts. They are probably the healthiest food for humans.

>drink 3 glasses of wine every evening
>eat whatever I want and don't work out
>still skinny whiteboi
why bros