I'm a Muslim from canada, and I just kill myself laughing at these posts...

I'm a Muslim from canada, and I just kill myself laughing at these posts. You have to love the new generation of nationalists and "alt-righters", because they're so delusional they ACTUALLY think they can make a difference.

Here's a dose of reality: you can't. Western youth is OVERWHELMINGLY atheistic, liberal and left wing. NO WESTERN ADOLESCENTS GIVE A FUCK ABOUT CHRISTIANITY. Meanwhile, Islam is on the rise and is the ULTIMATE truth. We are prepared to DIE for our religion, meanwhile you Westerners can't even get up for church on Sunday. LMFAO.

There will be no "happening", no "day of the rope", nothing. Euopean/American women ADORE ethnic men. White men are weak and afraid. Sure, I know ONLINE you think you're a "crusader", but you can't exactly be a crusader when you have to take fucking ANXIETY MEDICINE and are AFRAID TO LEAVE YOUR HOUSE. LMFAO. When I walk into the town centre I see all the pathetic little "white nationalists", and as SOON as I make eye contact with them they quickly look away, bowing their head to their feet. It's EMBARRASSING.

Face it, the west is dead. Christianity doesn't mean shit, it hasn't done for decades. Sure, seethe with rage and go and write a long rant here, blast Skrewdriver or Rammstein really loud in your headphones as you lift alone tonight, but don't think for a SECOND that you'll ever be able to do anything about us. We breed FIVE TIMES as much as you do, your politicians are COMPLETELY loyal to us, and your own women aren't even interested in looking at you. Take Sweden for instance - the most liberal nation on Earth, Swedish women are constantly used for the standard of supreme human beauty, and guess what? ALL young Swedish girls DREAM of ETHNIC DICK.

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salam ahki, you do realise there are muslims on this board right?

>I'm a Muslim
Stopped reading.

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Stability of quality of canadian posts is second to none
Each sequential post is worse than previous by ten or maybe even hundredfold.

Based fuck pol tards

Bismillahi arrahhman arraheem

Fuck all whitoids

Bismillahi arrahhman arraheem

Fuck all whitoids

Wrong board, shaqiq.

Is that new r/asianmasculinity incels bait?
They beloved homeland started to persecute Blacks so they get rid of Kara Boga memes and now will be larping as Muslims?
That's so fucking pathetic

wallahi, do you know about your muslim brothers in Bosnia, Albania, and Chechnya? Subhannallah you should know it is haram to backbite members of the ummah, even the prophet (SAW) was said to have fair skin with blue eyes.

Just know we are taking control of Canada.

islam is more doomed than christianity is tbqh

>Bosnia, Albania, and Chechnya

Lmfao. Even if that WAS true, it's fucking meaningless because WHITES LITERALLY DON'T HAVE CHILDREN.

REPRODUCING is ALL that matters. That's who survives, those whose GENES are SELECTED to be PASSED ON.

And who do you think women choose to reproduce with? The powerlifting slavic gymcel sat at his computer in a dark room?

Lmfao. They want the dark, foreign CONQUEROR. The guy with HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME, aka the ONLY traits that matter. So before you go talking about how "tough" you are: understand this.

1)You won't do SHIT, gymcelling doesn't make you a fucking warrior.
2)More important, even if you DID try to attack the Mujahideen, that doesn't matter because I PERSONALLY have ALREADY had two kids and will have SEVERAL MORE. You on the other hand will have your ENTIRE GENETIC LINE TERMINATED by women choosing not to reproduce with you, simply because you haven't got ALPHA GENETICS.

I admit that Eastern Europe is less pathetic than the cowards of Britain, France and Sweden, but that's not saying much. I could walk through Warsaw holding a Shahada banner and NONE OF YOU WOULD DO SHIT.

What has happened in the west with Christianity will happen with Islam in the middle east have fun obsessing over the west.

The master race, everyone.

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and then there is me ahki, I am muslim white.

alright charles dickens i didn't ask for a novel
islam is far too brittle and "simple" to survive contact with liberalism

Enjoy getting pozzed and genocidee by the chinese once we're gone

Wtf is happening in Canada

How much do you want to bet that in 20-30 years all our muslims are going to be completly westernized. Almost every muslim person I know becomes less religous overtime and more left wing and progressive. I have no idea what goes on in Europe but it's clearly not the case here, the iranian and lebanese people who have been here mutiple generations don't practice their religion at all and till this day I have never met a white person convert to islam

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Canada has a huge problem with ethnic incels in all my time living in Toronto it's always Muslim, Indian and Asian guys setting because they can't get laid

All your women are whores who don’t care about religion and the men are ugly and insecure

please start some chaos in the world i just want to die

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"Day of the rope" is the biggest meme. Truth is the world is so globalised and multi-cultural these days. Everyone is gonna become muttified.

Most chads IRL are liberals too.


muslims b like "we gon conquer u white boi" while theyre gettin smacked around by jews

oh no no no no no....

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LMAO are you seriously comparing Muslim women to British and white whores?

It's so funny, because what you do is just ROLEPLAY. You get all angry at the Mujahideen in your streets, you rage on your little anonymous imageboard where you know you won't get smacked, talk about "muh day of da rope" and look at your "white nationalism" folder. You're PATHETIC, a fucking JOKE.

It's not your country when our birthrates outnumber YOURS. How the FUCK are you going to "take back muh country" WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING BREED?! LMFAO. It's hilarious - all of you Yas Forumsfags, even your "leaders" like Milo Yiannanaafag, ramzpaul etc - NONE OF THEM FUCKING BREED. Even if you WERE dedicated, it doesn't mean SHIT when your ENTIRE FUCKING GENETIC LINE is going to be cut off because YOU CAN'T EVEN HAVE FIND A WOMAN TO HAVE KIDS WITH. LMFAO.

White women HATE you, and you STILL white knight for them and talk about "muh beauty of da aryan feeeemale". Newsflash, modern women care about three things: fucking chad, taking drugs, and "pursuing their career first" instead of ACTUALLY REPRODUCING. Meanwhile Muslim families have DOZENS of kids. That's not even going INTO the fact that Muslims INDIVIDUALLY are still INFINITELY more dedicated to their beliefs than even the MOST "religious" whites (as if there are even any LEFT these days lmfao).

You're obviously some white kid trolling.

I don't think so. Shiites are probably doomed, but I think Sunni Islam will be one of the last religions to die.

Look I'm Muslim too but I don't give a shit about white countries or white people or Europe.

We need to restart the caliphate and remember what Hamid Gul said, something along the lines of "we must crush the Americans wherever they are trapped", so start donating to groups in Afghanistan, Yemen, etc.

Why don't you post this on Yas Forums ?

Well, you have Brazil to show you that. I live in a city with great number of Muslim migrants and none of the descendents follows it like their parents or their brethren overseas. They are the first to do stupid shit, over drink etc

I’ll keep it short. My brothers who are already the majority in Birmingham, Bradford, and London will replace you
