Post your dream house.
Post your dream house
I really want to live in a traditional japanese house
Wouldn't it be better with a huge patio and garden
something like this but close to the sea
When I retire I will move to Switzerland
I thought this was post your dream so I'm gonna do that. My dream house is just a simple house but the fuck away from society. Like my own private island. And take a ferry to a coastal town for goods.
My dream..I wanna be a performer. Doing music and dance. Continue to see the world and learn more languages.
and this is my dream house that already exists
I suppose pic related is close to what I want; beautiful, traditional, stone facing and completely modest on the outside, but thoroughly modern and luxurious on the inside. It will be surrounded by acres of grassland and woodland to keep the riff-raff away.
why do people put dirty ponds in front of their houses? it's only cool if it's an actual mini lake out back.
Very based, but impossible to build now
Don't know, it's only asking for trouble with flies in the spring. I would rather a babbling brook running through my fields.
I know :(
it would be unbelievably kino to live there though, hence why it's a dream house
that's much cooler.
what do you think about thatched roofs? I thing they look pretty nice.
I would be very happy with something like this.
I considered thatch, beautiful and homely to look at, but it is apparently an expensive pain to maintain. Plus, thatching is a dying craft, I don't even know if I can get a thatcher any more. Instead, a traditional slate roof is a good compromise.
Why so obsessed with a house in my village? :3
God damn do i love towers.
repurposed town office?
looks great ok
my dream is to one day build a dragon style house
There's a guy on the north shore that built a house like this, he's a carpenter.
very cool except the dragons.
absolutely based
I like them
just start an onlyfans and you will be able to buy any home you want
That's easily the cheapest house ITT
just owning a home is a dream for me LMAO
Get on Onlyfans and move to a flyover state
For me it's this.
I want a big ass deutsch castle as my house :0
i would rather die than live in a flyover state
yes but she is only 22. i am 22 and have no wealth
Realistic goal. Literally fifty meters away from my city's cathedral. It's worth half a million euros.
But the Onlyfans part is ok?
Comfy af
She's also a whore. In five years here career will be over.
idk if i were a cute girl I wouldn't use onlyfans, i would find some sugar daddy on instagram instead
Cough up 10% and get a bank to help you.
How much does a house like this cost? It looks so fucking comfy with all that greenery. Pictures like this depress me user, not only we don't build like this here but I'll never have enough money to afford shit like this.
nigger my bank account has less than $200 in savings LMAO
where am i gonna get $70,000 when my rent is almost $2000 per month??
>but it is apparently an expensive pain to maintain.
Not as much as you'd think.
T. living at my parents' and they have a thatch roof.