What is the point in these states?

what is the point in these states?

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no farms no food feller

provide the airspace necessary for arotravel

Because we needed a little Sweden.

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>Washington isn't flyover but Florida, the third largest state by population and the prime vacation destination, is

Comfy living. You can buy a nice house with a big yard for $100-$200k in most of those areas. From there your only worries involve finding a decent job and the roving packs of white trash meth addicts.

Texas is only relevant because they subsidize companies to go there and hire people. California is going downhill. Washington is okay. NYC is the only reason why NY is listed and it is worked mostly by people from Connecticut and New Jersey.

Wtf is the top right gray one?

rural and surburban retard containment zones
also nuclear testing sites

New york, retard

>not heroin

>California is going downhill
LMAO why are flyovers so delusional? California is growing faster than the US as a whole is growing.

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providing us with more college football teams


A couple of things. First off, you cannot call me a flyover as I am in Florida. Second, Sweden is the biggest flyover country in Europe. Lastly, Californians are flocking to Texas and other tax havens en masse because of rising taxes in California. And you better bet business as well. And I don't use Yas Forums, so do not try that.

>not even per capita
The average Californian is some spic working for minimum wage and putting 70% of their after tax income towards rent. The tech workers, start-up millionaires, and land owners actually driving the economic growth are the aristocratic minority.

>First off, you cannot call me a flyover as I am in Florida

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The guy probably confused Washington with Washington D.C. lol

Florida isn't a flyover state.

Opioid addicts just veg out and OD unnoticed inside their grandma's house. Its the meth addicts who are roving around looking for copper to steal.

>tfw your neighborhood looks like a zombie movie at night because of all the meth heads

alright cleetus jackson williams III don't punch a gator over it

You're not wrong about that, but California is still not going downhill lmao.

Flyovers love to hate on California, because California is without a doubt the best state.
It produces the most food. It is home to most major tech companies. It is home to the cultural export of USA (hollywood AND music)



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Why would you care about spics their not citizens?

Those 4 states are all gommie hellholes, nuke them all desu

Unfortunately, they very much are citizens. Around a third of the U.S. population at this point.

>tfw tons of traffic, crime, and expensive cost of living
if it weren't for the ocean and my friends/family I'd get the hell out of here

yeah but their not real, their an underclass like uber-eats drivers and skaven

Oregon is extremely based imo. If the US wouldn't have such shitty health Care then it would be even better.

California produces more crops than like a third of the country.

>tfw export rice to china

The ocean isn't even the best part of California.
I've been to 30 states and I can tell you safely that California is the best. Colorado is my 2nd favourite state.

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Louisiana is the only non-flyover state on this map. Face it. Every other place in this country is literally empty space

The only nice place to live in California is San Diego.

Texas, cowboys and guns
California, Hollywood and stuff
Washington state, human freak show and nature
NY, big business