I hate my flag, it is so ugly. Does this happen in your cunt too?

I hate my flag, it is so ugly. Does this happen in your cunt too?

Attached: images - 2020-04-13T105228.746.jpg (662x463, 24.29K)

Nah, I love mine!

Attached: canada-flag-large.png (2000x1000, 29.73K)

I wish it looked like this

Attached: jduWJrA.jpg (1080x723, 92.35K)

Nah, I love mine!

Attached: flag.png (1200x632, 7.2K)

Same, we don't even have state flags.

Knowing the fact that this country's flag is on the moon. Other countries will never know the feel.

The point of the picture is to realize there are actually two US flags in it

Problem solved

Attached: Brasil ideal.png (1024x717, 35.77K)

The sharingan?

I've read somewhere once that the flag should be like all white now due to the conditions it's been in for so many years

So now it's the French flag on the moon lol :D

Your flag is nice but i would remove the motto and change stars so there is only some constelation like Southern Cross

I don't see why people preferred a cuba ripoff over this one.

Attached: Puerto_Rico_%281873%29.png (1818x1216, 31.47K)

I like Brazil flag. Canadian too.
They're simplistic but distinctly unique.

Can't say I hate ours, but it's a fucking tricolor and to make it worse it's the the three most popular flag colors, how more generic can it be?

this was better

Attached: 41A-tXAz1wL._AC_SX450_.jpg (450x338, 15.64K)

i love my flag. It has more history than 99% of flags

Attached: l.jpg (155x357, 123.08K)

it's ugly but at least it's distinct, I guess there is some value in that

The 1% being flag of Latvia.

you could return to tsar flag, it's tricolour but more unique colours


Be confident in your flag m8. Shit like this exists.

Attached: download.jpg (1024x682, 56.21K)


Ugh, what it could have been...

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Albania_(1939–1943).svg.png (1200x800, 58.28K)



Would you like this one?

Attached: flag2.png (990x672, 73.5K)

ir is much better to efface tha dumb letter

Of course, yes
My flag is the worst


Attached: images (3).png (360x226, 13.89K)

This picture should be our flag

Attached: images - 2020-04-12T140642.825.jpg (220x293, 9.9K)

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put a fucking blue ball in the middle of the flag with a bunch of retarded stars and a motto?

People with normal flags don't know the pain that it was to draw our own flag in school.

Nice choice of colours, except for the green.