Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
Ramadan is approaching, my brothers and sisters. I hope you are all doing well.
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Ramadhan is cancelled. Aidilfitri is cancelled. Fuck corona.
اللهم اهدي الخولات في البورد الزفت ده
nothing is canceled, you cant cancel a month.
my father stopped talking to me after I ignored him when I heard he tried to kill somebody over money
Good day islam anons how are you today?
y'all are destined to burn in hell for frequenting this site. How does it make you feel?
>y'all are destined to burn in hell for frequenting this site.
Islam is based except for the m*notheism part
Monotheism is the essence of Islam.
Who do you want to worship beside Allah?
Allah willing.
Reminder Islam is the religion of the poor, brown and loser people, Lutherism is the religion of the rich and successful white man, you're not invited to Lutherism and wouldn't be confirmed by a lutheran priest due to being poor and brown .
From an outside non-dogma perspective, not really. You could replace the one true god as a central power with, for example, a one true pantheon, equally all powerful without any real difference as you would still be under an all capable divine power.
And I am a "true" polytheist
>Reminder Islam is the religion of the poor, brown and loser people
Then why am I neither poor nor brown?
>Lutherism is the religion of the rich and successful white man
The only rich and successful ones are those who enter Paradise.
You're all of the following, poor, brown, uneducated, and a loser.
You're not invited.
Polytheism is not possible
Lutherism is the religion of the disciplined, educated, rational minded, logical minded, high iq, wealthy, successful, non degenerate white man.
All r*ligionfags must be exterminated.
lmao not invited to what? Jahannam?
good luck with that
Subhuman mudslime sandnigger thread? Subhuman mudslime sandnigger thread.
I'm giving all of them muslim lessons and defending islam.
I miss him bro..
>kick out w*sToids and r*ligionfags
Only man to achieve both, I miss him too
You're poor, brown, uneducated, and low iq.
I used to be an insufferable atheist then I realized the rich culture and broader solidarity behind islam. Islam is a humanist movement
Nothing wrong with religion, everything wrong with the ones that use it to govern and manupilute
Isnt islam and quaran mostly debunked as shitty fantasy tale?
Assblasted bongs are not welcome here.
>replaced Islamism with pants-on-head retarded roach nationalism
He didn't fix anything.
More like DESU VAULT
Islam is the religion of poor stupid losers goat fuckers.
I bet you play grand strategy games, nerd.
>r-r-roach! you can't rise from the ashes as one nation! Only we are allowed to succeed
Then protestantism is the religion of mart sharters
Come on now, this is just the first mover argument with Islam attached to it.
The first mover argument is also inherently flawed since it argues that, well, all that "moves" must have been moved and magicks up a first mover, instead of accepting something such as spontaneous movement or an infinite/recurrent existence without beginning or end which are consistent internally without requiring an external cause
A lot of Turks are literally a part of that same crowd but now with a different dogma. There's a reason why the watermelon seller can use Kemalist imagery and get away with it.