Please visit argentina

we need tourist moneys

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not the best time to do it though

I would after the pandemic and I wish to get citizenship I love argentina

I would like to visit South America but it is too violent.

Only if i get to fuck with the locals


can we make love when you come?

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Only if you are a qt grill if not we could be friends

ok lets be frens then...

of course argelindo i will always help those in need

ok i'll even help you pick up qts in bars

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wow buying a ticket now

When the pandademic is over I will

I want to see penguinos and cool mountains pls

looks like every country in the world.... im not going to south amerifa for that

contemplating studying medicine at the UBA

It doesn't affect tourists in any way, unless you are a pedo and someone finds out, you might actually get hunted down

which city has the most curly hair qts?

You know your country has a tourism board right? Like nigga you don't need to be postin this shit on Yas Forums lmao

Ohh yea look at these awesome interesting dutch landscapes, i wouldn't leave that for anything

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really? how's your spanish?

If you want me to visit you have to post grills with large chests

Why is Argentina so poor?
You have massive lands and a good chunk of resources ?

I actually want to, but I hear your economy is kinda in the shitter at the moment.

What are the best places to go? Is it safe? Are locals friendly to mutts?

Basically no stable government until very recently

I'll visit Argentina.
Do Argentine qts like Americans? Can I get by with just English?

Why wpuld i visit an overpolluted wasteland where i have 99 percent chances to get murdered for being white ?

Also (((tourism))) is cucked and thise pandering to t*urists are even worse.

>Why would i visit The Netherlands
Idk you tell me

dont visit stay the fuck home. i dont want you gazing too long at perfection
at least i am not in an overpolluted shithole that fucked up so bad we can see the damage from space

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most people are just friendly in general, you can get by with just english. almost everyone i know speaks at least basic english (mostly young people)

as for best places it depends in what kind of landscapes/activities you like the most.

as for safety it should be relatively safe if you are careful, stick to touristic zones and don't go around flashing expensive phones/cameras

I will visit isla de fuego

>AQI average polution in the Netherlands: 10.91
>AQI average polution in Argentina: 14.6
Massive difference
We have dry landscapes but we also have green plains several times the size of your country.

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puedo hablar, escribir, y leer sin dificuldades. Yo aprendi espanol cuando era un jovencito(soy chi). Yo he utilizado la idioma cada dia hace 2013 en mi trabajo. No me preocupo, no es perfecto pero vivia en Mexico por 1 año y peru 1.5 año y no tuve problems con mis academicas o vida social

>Massive difference
yes there is when comparing an overcrowded country thats is supposed to be masssively polluted with a relatively sparsely populated one,

>we also have green plains several times the size of your country.
wow its almost as if bigger country had more space, color me surprised
>be argentina
>have a decent environment and lots of ressoucres
>still manage to fuck everything up by turning all of the country into a wasteland while staying barely second world

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The only reason why I would even consider going on vacation is for taking photos. I won't come then.

I do, love your country, best south american country!