1. Your cunt
2. Are your neighbouring countries obsessed with you
/negerdraad/ and /fr/ are proof
1. Your cunt
2. Are your neighbouring countries obsessed with you
/negerdraad/ and /fr/ are proof
Why do Italians have no self-esteem?
The whole of Europe is obsessed with us
t. keeps coming back to the nederdraad after we kicked you out
99% of the jokes are about terroni
why do hungarians joke about Scotland?
What the fuck is going on with Hungary and Scotland?
YES, all of them
You should replace the flag in our country with the EU flag.
99% of the jokes are about Italians
Do you have some jokes about french people? I'm interested fren
It already is the German flag
Euf. No, not at all.
It's the Austrian flag. And I don't even know why.
Ah, forgot the usual:
>american education
>German doesn't get a joke
no. shut up burger.
polentoni joke about terroni
terroni joke about polentoni
we have even movies about it...
It's a hard life
They're essentially Jew jokes that have a scotsman as a protagonist.
It's usually how they're stingy and such. No idea how it came to be. Probably because you couldn't joke about jews under communism or something like that.
look at the map
all our neighbors talk about is us
>italians joke about italians
>italians joke about italians
I don't think so, Scots are seen same here too
>joking more about portugal than france
Uhhhh that's gonna be a yikes from me amigo
what are some jokes about belgian people?
jokes about Scots are funny
A Scot wants to go on train with big sack. Conductor says "Sir, you must pay for such a big baggage". Scot opens a sack and says "Come out son, you have to pay anyway"
Obsessed is an understatement. They can't go a day without whining and demanding lolocaust gibs.
we dont really even notice portugal at all tho
Why is Belaruse so nice and respectful?
>Are your neighbouring countries obsessed with you
For some reason the scandi and swedish generals seem to be constantly discussing about Finland even though not a single finnfag posts in neither. I think it's hilarious
Yes, but that's typically not a joking matter.
Bosnia has it rougher.
Ask wallons
its not the same thing.