is being a kissless hugless handholdless virgin by the age of 21 normal in your country?
here most people lose everything by age 15
Is being a kissless hugless handholdless virgin by the age of 21 normal in your country?
I lost hugless at 21, hoping to lose handholdingless by 23
I'm a kisseless handholdless virgin at 21 so I'm going to cope by saying that it's normal
losing virginity makes you a loser
of course it's fucking not
although I'm still going to become one in half a year
>22yo KHHV in 107 days
Not normal
25 year old virgin here
I LOVE thicc-eyebrowed thots.
nope nigga im only 20
same, but I hate the arthoe look
I have kissed a girls and she sucked my peen. Am I still a virgin?
Fuck no
t. 23 year old khv who's gonna die alone
>here most people lose everything by age 15
including your wallet to the arabs
Did you kiss her before or after ?
she looks like she smells really bad
Yes. For most Indians, it's normal to be normal to be like this before marriage.
No its not normal. That never stopped me though
idk, virgin but gf, i cant into sex or have more than 1 year relationship haha due to autism+.
Don't worry user just give it some time
It's not normal
t. 23 yo KHV
Half of males don't have kids.
I gave my first kiss at 19
Considering that here 16-17 is normal to lose everything that means that I'm three years behind
Hoping to lose virginity at 22-23
She looks like ramona flowers
at 22, just when I actually decided to get my shit together and actively try to find a gf, I realized that all the good girls were already taken
It probably always has been normal, we just never knew it.
The pain never goes away fellas
t. former 21 year old virgin who had secks a couple of times
Who cares if you're a virgin? I hope you life's purpose isn't hinging on cumming in some cunt' s cunt.
>I realized that all the good girls were already taken
This is a major factor that people don't take into account. Both good girls and good guys, which form about 40% of the population, get together when they're 16-21 and usually stay that way. So the shittiest girls get with the shittiest guys guys, some guys don't get with anyone, the guys become cunts, the girls become whores, and then everybody has a big whinge and bitch about it online, while the good people carry on.
>I realized that all the good girls were already taken
Sadly this
I'm a hugless, handholdless guy.
Kissed and fucked but never got close enough to a girl to actually act like a couple.
Fuck promiscuity, I fell for it thrice, next time will be with the mother of my children or I'll die alone.
I lost all of this at age 22
>here most people lose everything by age 15
are you sure?, it's just that you don't hear about he virgin boys.