Did Hitler know that he was the bad guy?

Did Hitler know that he was the bad guy?

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg (1218x1600, 363.44K)

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was he?

he wasn't

why would he believe a lie?

he knew. if he didn't why would he need propaganda to justify slavs are subhuman?


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Good goy

Unlike Mussolini he didn't expect forgiveness, guess no

I wonder at which point of the war he realized that Germany would lose

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enjoy the 20 years in jail lel

there are no bad guys
just right man in the wrong place

When England decided not to surrender after the fall of France.

That's a 300 year old German military tradition, idiot.

Attached: august von mackensen.jpg (720x1104, 173.27K)

what the fuck was wilhelm II's problem

Without WW2 it is most likely that the events that lead up to your birth would never have happened.

So maybe you should thank us Germans for your life or something?

Attached: hitlersmile.jpg (600x705, 56.91K)

When ussr won at stalingrad.

He still thought he could win when the Soviets stood right in front of Berlin.


he kept deluding himself until the final days he was isolated in the bunker. his thoughts until at end were that the western allies would continue the war against the soviets and they would work together with germany.

lol, no you delusional Tommy

Of course. He killed Hitler after all.

After the Battle of Kursk
>August 1943
>No more troops to stage another offensive in the East
>Soviets beginning their own offensives which you don't have the manpower to stop anymore
>Japs still refusing to help you
>War in the Mediterranean going badly, Britain/America invading Italy

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>he kept deluding himself until the final days he was isolated in the bunker. his thoughts until at end were that the western allies would continue the war against the soviets and they would work together with germany.
I have seen the downfall too but it doesn't align with witness testimonies, sorry. Hitler seemed pretty aware of his demise during his final days at least that is what they said.

Sure it is, and the Maltese Cross he's bearing is also a mere (((tradition))).

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You need to read more, retard.


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>his thoughts until at end were that the western allies would continue the war against the soviets and they would work together with germany.
Nope, but this is what Himmler hoped for.

He was jealous of his cousins, because he thought that their grandmother (Queen Victoria) liked them better than him. I used to have a copy of his memoirs saved, he literally tattled to her when he thought "Nicky" or "Georgie" were doing something underhanded. Absolute manchild.

>occultists invented skulls
This is your brain on American education.

Hitler was a Rothschild, and the Nazis fled to Antarctica and South America.

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Well, another reason to hate g*rms even more.

Funny how you don't find the choice of skulls to be even a tad bit odd. Rather too macabre, wouldn't you think?

He couldn't have gotten that far if he was that dumb, surely. By 1944 it had to be obvious to everyone it was over. It's just like with the Japs, stubbornly holding out in the hopes of getting a conditional surrender deal.