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god i miss footy

linking this again

rolled some chamomile up in my cigarette

why is the sprog screaming like mental

finished him

I'm left wing

a free society allows drug use


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would knock him out in the firs 5 sec

>jackie chan is sooooo sexy
t. every girl ever am i right guys lmfao

Too much individual freedom is oppressive

>I'm left wing

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rorke can argue semantics all day if he wants but the fact is that 6 million jews were killed in the holocaust

annnd *stop*
yep, that's me

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im so sorry

Lads seriously are the fucking delis opened or not. I want to know how disappointed I might have to be

>>jackie chan is sooooo sexy
>t. every girl ever am i right guys lmfao

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outside of places like Yas Forums hardly anyone right wing thinks or proclaims that, in fact they're accused of being zionists etc


t. Sum Ting Wong

What the story behind this?

STRONGLY considering an egg and bacon sandwich even though I've already had dinner

have you ever been rimmed?

rorke catches leftypol peeping on kids

Think this was before the lockdown though

kek whats this from

fucking better be somewhere open I can get some chicken breast or a bit of mince for my dinner later

holy based

mikey's lot on the ropes

yea, this was me during it

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is that marnus labuschagne

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Can very happily state that at no point has anyone on my street attempted to 'clap for the nurses', stand in their front yard to talk with neighbours or dance in the street.
Paradise lads.

You can get wahtever frozen/fridge food you want, most corner shops have them

My concern is my fucking deli food

why are they fighting

should I go for it lads?

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wonder does the lad from faketaxi miss shagging slags

so basically you'll be funding a couple's relationship

is it just me, or DAE grow up in the 1990s/early 2000s and play the best-selling video game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater?

yes. it was alright. more of a novelty than anything

why would you want to fuck deli meat?

i'm a registered democrat

Ye would love to live in a place with no sense of community

haven't seen any operating delis for the last week or so 2bh. dunno if they're all closed but certainly in the shops I've been in

the absolute mental state of women like this, and the even more absolute state of someone who'd participate

I want my fucking deli food. I haven't had chicken wings in about 3 months

Yeah mate feels good

What is happening here?

That's Darren Till.
England's current best UFC fighter.
Scouser dontchaknow.
Watch MMA nerds.

ska never dies

i'm a registered homosexual

Have never voted

is there a thread of wsg for these

Lads you have to get one of these, not wasting 30 seconds every time you make a post is game changing

I might be able to kiss her feet though


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That's fucking depressing thanks though. I'll grab a pizza or something for my monthly junk food binge

Belarussian premier league is still on. Big fan personally of Dinamo Brest.


Chicken wings on delis are awful, make some at home and buy some Franks Hot Sauce, mix with butter and vinegar, deep fry the wings, whack them together and off you go.


>when hits his head on the fence

nice fingernails bro
you definitely fuck

ew a virgin


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He got fucked up


Have you ever watched a woman poop in real life? As in seen the poo actually being ejected from her bumhole?


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The smug look he gives right before he gets decked makes it that much better.


the ones up the road are nice, golden brown more like batter really

I don't like cooking stuff like that - too annoying. I'm more of a "shove something in and come back later"

just wee, no poo yet

I post on /brit/ when /cum/ is dead

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Looks like philosophy tube

yet? you're expecting it someday?

They're still open. Wouldn't recommend getting cold food at the moment with ol 'rona around.

What really happened?

i'm not buying 50 quid of bitcoin to get a pass
I'm trying to stay clean

Chairman Mao Zed Dong

shoved something in your mum last night


this is us lads

Please post more links of people getting knocked out in street fights

Philosophy tube?