
Attached: aerodrom.png (691x697, 672.66K)

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What does /balk/ do for a living?

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I'm a construction worker $2500 salary

It's not about the government, just Serbia is stigmatized and demonized because it was unlucky to be unfairly recognized as the scapegoat for the Balkan wars.

nigga you don't even know how to lift

It is about the government. You'd realize how bad it actually is if you could look at Serbian TV.

I read serbian websites sometimes

You know that communists took the commie block idea from New York?

I thought it was from the scandis.

i lift your mom's fat ass lol

kek SEETHING skopian moving ballsack

Attached: beverly_shqips_skopje2.jpg (1552x924, 279.34K)

Greece would look even worse if the communist had won the civil war. You were just lucky to have the west on your side.

Pink tv lol

You dont know ANYTHING about us toilet cleaning ladyboy


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only thing you lift is other dudes dicks kid

бeгaй oттyкa бe мypгaвeл

I know the history of your civil war well enough to predict the possible outcome if the communist side had won.

There's nothing inherently superior in Greeks, just like there's nothing like that in Hungarians or Germans and they all succumbed to communist mismanagement and turned into typical eastern European shitholes. There is no evidence Greece would have chosen a different path.

pshek focus more on what a miserable cripple you are and less on the national characteristics of countries you haven't even visited

kurwa LMAO you WISH your commie shithole was anything LIKE US

Attached: mighty_polack_race.png (654x2193, 1.26M)



This is what Greece would look like in the best case.

Of course we wish we hadn't had communism at all, then we would be as rich as Spain and Greece would be like Albania to us.

no wonder why you like skopians
Both thieves and both PATHETIC

pic rel: PRUSSIA thief

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is this Αεροδρόμιο;

3:35 pissed my ass off


I must be one hawt chad

Show us the railway map of Greece lmao.

And this is actually not true that we like 'Skopians', Poland (probably unconsciously but still) supported forced hellenization of Macedonian children brought here after the civil war. Even though most of these children had Slavic background, they were given to Greek-run childcare facilities where their names were changed to Greek ones and they were forced to learn Greek instead of their native Macedonian. In fact most of our "Greek" minority are just hellenized Macedonians.

ok which one of you did that

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i wish i were Bulgarian...

Why should we care?

>Show us the railway map of Greece lmao.
HELLAS is a mountainous region and the coverage of rail wasnt good enough BECAUSE YOU CANT DRILL PINDOS AND OLYMPOS dumpb russian kid

I dont have a map here but I HAVE a map of who RAILED your mom, enjoy

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