Why are whites so kind to blacks?

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unironically christianity



They unironically need extra help. I went to a black college and you need to walk them through every little step to understand something. And yeah, I feel kinda bad about slavery and all that, and they are part of the American spirit

They have to secure enough BBC for the future generation


they easily get attracted to the black phenotype
creating mutts is what nature intended

Very based

t. 14 years old


good anwser

White Savior syndrome. Also the reason why white 'progressives' are anti-white because muh colonialism and think coloreds are some protected near-extinct species who are helpless by themselves.

empathy is a luxury

Whites evolved from negros unlike mongoloids who evolved from australoids

we don't worship SEA's tho

white women should be beaten

haha imagine grabbing it by the head and tossing it as far as you can

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t. racist jap

probably this

Preparing future BBC for their kids

Japs worship JOMON

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They are not kind to them. Feeding a few negros to feel better about your empty life is not kindness.

>inb4 diatribe about how humanity is purely materialistic and there's nothing called inherent good-will

Because they are stupid.

Feeding a few people does not really help & thet know it, they just do it to virtue signal & to feel better

why not? it promotes further charitable behaviour


Are these lil black babies lying? Their bellies are so big but they're still begging for food. Are they like chipmunks where they hide food and store it for winter?

>there's nothing called inherent good-will
there is but you are supposed to reserve it for people that you know instead of some strangers from faraway lands

t. wh*te on proxy

Fucking based as fuck Indian comment, as per usual.

Because we literally raped and plundered Africa (mostly GB) and kept them stupid&fighting with each other, should so that we could get our diamonds and other resources.

Now after 100 of years of bloodshed and violence we have to give back. Otherwise we would be worse than scum.

ugh tattoos are such a letdown

If you really care about people suffering you should control their population. Less blacks being born = less black suffering.

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