Do you like the Japanese way of making coffee?
Do you like the Japanese way of making coffee?
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it's just the regular way of making coffee? are you chinese an unfamiliar with it?
I prefer Indian or Vietnamese filter, you can have strong coffee easily and cheap
what benefits compared with espresso machine?
I don't get the whole strong coffee, dark roast thing. Why not just drink more cups of medium roast coffee that you can actually taste tastes other that just bitter?
dark roasts have less caffeine than medium roasts
I prefer the french press
It's not from Japan. But they do it here because it looks fancy
masaka... decanting from such a height...
Dark roast tastes better, medium tastes like piss
it's just a paper filter, I do it because I won't have to wash it later
Seems too labour intensive, I prefer instant coffee.
because my life is more bitter fuck you
>instans coffee
is that british slang for tea?
No, it's the freeze-dried variety of coffee that you just add hot water and milk to. Most people don't own coffee pressers here, so we drink instant coffee instead.
Please disregard this post if you were making a joke and I didn't get it.
Best coffee is without a question Arabic coffee. No other coffee comes close.
>instant coffee
Jesus flipping Christ, the absolute state
>hot water
Warm water from the tap's the way to go, lad
>he thinks coffea arabica is arabic
Can't be any worst than American coffee
Americas are big
What does that have to do for you with coffee
VERY embarrassingly stupid post right here.
I think he meant GREEK coffee
never tried it but looks like shit
you need a drink? drink water
if you want coffe, get an espresso
Looks like some pretentious hipster stuff
No, that's just Turkish coffee, Arabic coffee is a lightly roasted blend which is slow cooked unlike those two.
It's not japanese, but it is the best way to make coffee.
what the fuck is happening here? why does coffee form out of thin air? i'm not understanding
>why drink something that tastes better instead of more literal shit
no thanks, I'm not a deeply closeted homosexual
It has the same exact principle as your typical $20 coffee maker
Tried it in Iran, the tehranis who hosted me had this filter thing. It's shit. Tastes worst and requires more effort. Almost as bad as this shit
openly embracing your homosexuality doesn't make your point more valid
It's just foaming because of the heat, you've never seen a pot boil over, mate?
that doesnt allow me to fill another cup that is bigger than the original pot, tho
Or you can just make coffee in a pot