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the bf

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Just produced a type 3 stool

Wow.... so THIS is the duality of man

squash (the drink) literally doesn't exist in america

>tfw getting accused of sneaking up on someone when i didn't do it on purpose for the millionth time

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>china has reported 100 new cases in the wake of the end of the lockdown

right that's me.


they share a very similar ethos

the sudanese bloke who loiters near the toilets in the local park I usually get my drugs from has fucked off lads
hope the 'rona didn't get him

Costs £5 for a bottle of ribena here, shan't pay the import jew

Yeah same
Bye babesxxx

Love the whiffs of poo when i shag the bf's hairy arse


remember being a young child and being terrified of meningococcal despite being vaccinated

fix thou life

spent the last 40 minutes trying to think of where I heard the story about jesus turning himself black to escape the romans and that's why we have easter bunnies
turns out it was machinima inbox
remember machinima

Another pod RIGHT into the Nespresso machine

didn't stop my uncle from touching me tbf

Just wish quarantine was over lads so I can enjoy life again.

hello my "mates", whats up "lads" ?

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Looking forward to pride

roe atka on fox classic



I would literally eat her shit.

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Dobbed on my workplace haha
Used to pull fire alarms in school as well.

ah yes shall definitely be clicking on a mail link

Sometimes wished I'd gone to the peng private school in my town desu. If I had done so I'd almost certainly have made it to Oxbridge, and would now been a very well-paid (but ultimately meaningless) City job by now.

Parents didn't fancy stumping up the £13k per term fees though unfortunately

what would you do if your daughter started dating a black man

quite preposterous, isn't it?

Does anyone here actually unironically sleep naked?

> Tiesheng Zhang became famous during the Cultural Revolution, in 1973 for refusing to take a national exam on physics and chemistry. Instead he handed in a blank paper and wrote on the back that he was disgusted by bookworms who had never done any honest work, and that a few hours of written exams would disqualify him.[1] He became a national hero for his stand and even won a seat in the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in 1975. However, after the fall of the Gang of Four he was put on trial and sentenced to 15 years in prison.[2]

t. Zhang

he'd share the same skin colour as my wife

how do you guys explain your political views to your gf? tried to bring up accelerationism with her the other day but she wasn't having any of it

yeah why not?

>Chinese eunuchs not only had their testicles cut off, but their entire penis removed as well
wtf china

Imagine comparing poos with Emma Watson. She eats lean protein and you eat Greggs and McDonald’s. She’d easily out poo you as far as health is concerned.

remember one summer spring day when people kept pulling the fire alarms and we had to go out 5 times in one day, was a mental day


Peter Hitchens will be destroying Mike Graham live on air in 30 minutes

would you tho? you've once proclaimed you'd be her personal toilet, but would you really?

Fuckin' repulsive

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>tried to bring up accelerationism with her the other day but she wasn't having any of it

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Wouldn’t you get skid marks and ball vinegar all over your sheets?

Used to but I once rolled over my bollocks got stuck between the side of the bed and mattress. I woke up in a huge fight and panic and ended up tearing it half off.

more importantly:
Do they really?

is it true you sexually assaulted children?

How is this any different than you wanting to shag white guys?

regularly eat entire bags of trail mix every day for a snack but looked at the calories for the first time and it's like 2k for each
fucking mad that it's just seeds and bits of muesli and shit

this is not real

Oy mate cool it with the anti-indian sentiment

Oh yeah? What makes you say that.

well... no
not sure how else I can answer you

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Bet I'm better at making curries than the average Indian

off for a pray anyone want anything?

You'd be great at sucking cock too

Yeah fuck mate it's meant to be a calorie boost for long distance walkers it's actual FOOD

people who sleep in public should be arrested, like Morrowind



It very different and I'm not going to write an essay on it

only if i was staying at a hotel and had a shower/bath before bed

hey there Vanessa, what’s it like in Salt Lake City
I’m 2000 miles away and everything is fucking shitty
Ever since you left I’ve been really unlucky
I’ve not a dollar to my name, living on the streets of Kentucky

today's pic of the arse

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Yeah mate ask Mary to intercede for a couple of Freddos

I think it's the same Moni. You can't just be in favour of interacial sex when it involves you

would you support a genocide on the homeless/loiterers (absolutely all of them)

yeah can you get me some immortality and invulnerability? cheers lad

That's probably true, and I'd imagine that'd come in useful too

Got a 200 word essay due next monday and I've not even started it. Completely fucked it lads.

Is that ass acne? What the fuck?

Why did you nonce kids Amer? Is it the paki genes that made you do it?

crate of ribena please boss man

why do they say you did?

Not religious but reckon abortions should probably be illegal. Pretty sick society which allows hundreds of thousands of babies to be murdered each year


absolutely not, no man has the right to take another's life
*winks at the camera*

who are you to say what women can and can't do?



I want a white bf for a completely normal relationship

Other Pakistanis either want to dominate whites or they hate their own race

t. zhang

there doesn't exist a single secular argument against abortion

who are you to tell me what i can and cant do? you can't tell me not to murder and rape!

Why don't you want a pakistani bf?

murder is objectively bad while abortion isn't

Back to Zoomtoil tomorrow
Actually felt like a holiday not having to deal with work's bullshit for 4 days

pissing and shitting on my bed for the laugh

75 word dissertation due by the heat death of the universe, not even opened up microsoft word yet. this stress is going to pop an aneurysm

just forgot to get beetroot juice whilst shopping for groceries even though I expressly wrote a list beforehand that included it
fucks SAKE

>murder is objectively bad
no, murder can be good
murder of paki nonces for instance, is good

>ending a life via force is objectively bad while ending a life via force isn't

well, looks like i'm not getting fired de lads

Probably the honour killing for being a tranny nonce bit

Yes there does. It follows naturally from the premise that is morally wrong to take another human's life and from the further premise that a fetus is a human life

just unironically sniffed my office chair

you can't be alive before exiting the womb
babies not born yet are purely conceptual

yeah, mad that

what if I reenter the womb

wrong and/or didn't/will not happen

>you can't be alive before exiting the womb
says who

I feel they're generally not progressive enough on trans issues

Hello, Sneed's Abortionarium
You Rape'em, We Scrape'em™

did a tedtalk where I just read out the ingredients of a cornflakes box and shouted 'fuck trump' after and got a rapturous prolonged applause

genuinely sniffed it. didn't smell though

wonder what it's like to have a ridiculously big willard

I might be conceptual

most people learn object permanence as toddlers lad

>babies not born yet are purely conceptual

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Should've got grape juice instead

If you save 10, 80 year olds who go on to live 5 more years by doing a lockdown but just ONE 30 year old kills himself due to his business going under then you haven't saved a single year of human life, assuming he'd have lived until 80.


*surreptitiously rises from the dead*

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how did he do it

love your work

formerly chuck's suck and chuck

conceptualising a poo

praise Christ

gas the bis

yanks HATE the resurrection

not only that, allowing them to live instead of taking the opportunity nature presented to top them is actually a betrayal of society because they'll simply be a net drain on resources until they die

Got no sympathy for the mental weaklings that off themselves at the drop of a hat

stralia has far more hats than us