Are we the Jews?

>Dutch merchants routinely bought up grain harvests in the Baltic area and grape harvests in France, important in the wine trade, before they were harvested
>The Dutch Republic was a master of banking, often compared to with Florence during the 14th century. When Southern Europe was experiencing poor harvests, surplus of grain from Poland was sold by the Dutch for sky high prices.

Rather seems like a recurring theme then
*rubs hands*

Attached: Amsterdamstockexchange1653.jpg (1000x1051, 558.44K)

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(((The Dutchman)))

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Depends on your views on the stock market.

>20% of Amsterdam was Jewish

Attached: 1425913484429.png (225x255, 49.52K)

Percentage wise more jews were deported from the Netherlands than from Nazi-Germany

pffff, rookie

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Dutch created the first multinational megacorporation.

Attached: VoC.png (1350x772, 795.42K)

>A technological revolution in shipbuilding led to a competitive advantage in shipping that helped the young Republic become the dominant trade power by the mid-17th century. In 1670, the Dutch merchant marine totalled 568,000 tons of shipping—about half the European total.The Dutch built up by far the largest merchant fleet in the world.
>The ship building district of Zaan, near Amsterdam, became the first industrialized area in the world,[28] with around 900 industrial windmills at the end of the 17th century, but there were industrialized towns and cities on a smaller scale also.

you were saying?

Attached: aquafresh.jpg (248x250, 8.16K)

you know that it is bullshit?

only dutch can be jewish enough to ask for reparation from their colony, not even jews are that devious

See it as a sort of payment for all the infrastructure Dutch engineers made for you

How so?

VoC had his own war navy and controlled Indonesia. It was financed by the first stocks & bonds.

Because you can’t adjust it to our inflation criteria, the best way to actualise it’s real value is to follow the price of gold

yes, we've been saying that all along

why do you think your language is filled with yiddishisms?.

Any sail ships still available for tourism, or there are only prostitutes and weed?

yess, lets ignore centuries of free labors, loss from monopoly, and free land rent

Sailing is actually one of the biggest recreational hobbies of Dutch people. But tourists never do it.

Sorry no refunds,
send indo qt's pls

>Are we the Jews?
Yes you are, everyone already knows this.

Dutch Jews owned pretty much all of the transatlantic slaveships so yeah that seems like a given.

During the short reign of the duth colonies in south america they founded the first ever sinagogue in the continent, when portugal took it's land the first thing they did was spell the jews, the ones who didn't leave were converted, killed or exiled, the ones who did travelled to new york
You are jews

seethe more pasta nibba

Tulip mania.

>During the short reign of the duth colonies in south america they founded the first ever sinagogue in the continent
I was about to say this. It is well known that dutchs are swamp jews.

Why jews from europe like rivers so much? Venice, Amsterdam, Recife, New York..

>Dutch and Yiddish are the only languages in which the strongest insults are derived from diseases
really activates the almonds

Reminder trading and knowing how economic works > being mongoloid who owns lots of land but doesn't know how to obtain wealth from it.

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arent most big cities built next to the sea or rivers
this is based though

All protestants are like jews when it comes to money

Convert to Lutherism Catholicism is the religion of poor brown people

>the best way to actualise it’s real value is to follow the price of gold
gold worshippers deserve to be hanged