Is inspection day normal in your country?
Is inspection day normal in your country?
This looks very similar to mine in both size, shape and design. Is that good or bad?
nice cock, king
I'll regret this, but what the hell is this from?
It's from an educational video showing kids what the function of the anatomy is.
Why tf does it look like that? Disgusting as fuck
Because your idea of what a dick looks like is perverted.
Because they didn't pin him down as a child and hurt him irreparably ?
I think they make yogurt with their dick cheese.
That's a foreskin, user
like what?
That woman looks a lot like that jewess hollywood actress, I forgot her name, but even uses the same same hairstyle
yeah specially when you're a child
Why isn't she spreading the roastie flaps apart the same way she was with the dick?
he started to get a chub
zooey deschanel? she's not ethnically jewish
norwegian tv is very interesting
I don't think she's Jewish. I don't know though, they all have hidden connections in hollyweird
she needs gloves for that
she converted to judaism
No, it is not her, I was searching it but couldn't find her, if I showed her to you you would think is the same girl as in this video, if I recall correctly she is also a mutt or idk
This is proof for Ameritards that vaginas carry more bacteria than foreskin. Doesn't bother me, it's just more proof that the logic of circumcision because of "muh smegma" is retarded.
this, vaginas are disgusting and dicks are cleaner.
no homo tho
The closest I was to having a woman touch my penis was when I had to have my balls ultrasounded
Stuff like this shows you it's not all the Jews fault. Whites love such content and see nothing wrong with it. They enjoy it. It's what they want.
Call me when they ban nude beaches.
its for education
Rashida Jones after 6 months without sunlight
So is she gonna teach about fisting at some point?
Fisting what?
Yep, wouldn't trust a female that looks exactly like an american creature
Why not? The girl in the videos seems cute.
Export Gouda is made this way.
Episode 6 got deleted off youtube, I can't find it anywhere subbed :-(