The same threads pop up everyday.
Why the fuck is Yas Forums so obssessed with LatAm?
Because there's fuck all to discuss and watching Latin Americans screech and seethe at each other is funny
Sudaca reggaeton pardo negro shitholes
Olmecs need to be put in their place
You do realize Latin America is larger than Europe sans Russia, no?
No one really cares about LatAm in real life though.
then why do we this much unsolicited attention then?
Most likely because of the racial discussions that you guys bring in.
Because sex
your women say otherwise
cringe kys
it's just one obsessed chicano and the other who i assume might be one of those alt-lite sore overweight losers
When I think of latinxs I think of sweaty sex
Most Latinxs are unironic Yas Forumstards even though you're all brown as fuck, cringe makes good content
The women like meds, not some 5'2 Chilean manlet lmao
seethe more, we still live rent free in your head
I'm an anti poltard myself, but I can definitely understand where you're coming from
White is an inclusive identity, latinx are white
Good on your part, friend
We CHIchimecx are not Yas Forumstards me & my fellow CHIchimecx hate wh*te people & wish yurop were flooded with araps & negros
>White is an inclusive identity
This. Anyone can be White in USA, for example George Clooney, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Johnny Depp or Wesley Snipes.
You are thinking of south "mexican"/central anerican olmecx
Blame the Italians for seething soo much to be called white, i bet the reason they expanded the definition so wide, was just to spite the brown medoids.
Te perdono si devuelves el loro.
Anyone who wants to identify as white is white, race is just a social construct after all
¿Qué tipo de ventaja evolutiva hace que no tengas cuello? ¿Algún experto en el tema por aquí?
why would i want to be wh*te?
Based Chilean, cringe Argie
you're forgiven
most Yas Forumstards are brown but most browns aren't Yas Forumstards
>the way adrian checks her out then at the camera like "she's hot" with absolutely zero respect
based mexichad
Its harder for narcos to behead them
Looks more like he's comparing his skin color to hers, Chicanos are very pro brown for the most part, so he's probably thinking, "If she's "really white" then why arent our skin color that different?"