Guys hear me out

I am straight as a line, but for the past two days I've been having dreams of being topped by a twink. I think it is the fault of the Danish twink and the fucking lockdown which has pushed me on the brink due to lonliness now. How do I get rid of such dreams and ideas?

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Letting him cum inside your anus

>I think it is the fault of the Danish twink

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>How do I get rid of such dreams and ideas?
You could start by giving me source on that

Are you the Danish twink? Give me back my innocence now

I am straight though

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The only thing straight will be your anus after his dick is in it

Souce on what? It was a dream

Yes that is me, but I cannot give you back your innocence

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stop being gay it's illegal

stfu fag
Fags are against nature, god and natural order. They will go in hell

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How do I get rid of such thoughts? Seriosuly, I never thought a day would in my life when I would think of being with a twink and not a teen or a milf

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Maybe it would help if you told me about your dream?
also im sorry but it's your own fault for looking at my pics.

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The dane has turned you into a fag its too late

Stop spamming your images everywhere then
The dream included me being very depressed due to the lockdown. Then, a twink comes. I knew he was a guy, but I was too sad to do anything. Then, he began kissing and consoling me.

And my body-count grows....

I am not a fag, and I do no want such thoughts. I am trying to mitigate them by watching porn now

Awww that dream sounds wholesome though.
Do you need someone to cheer you up?
Best of luck!

Of course, I moved to a new city 100s of miles away from my friends being locked down in a room. The only person who would greet me on my birthday coming soon wouldbl be my mum :(
I wanted to get a gf and hit gym this month but the chinks ruined everything. I am so fucking desperate for some human exposure

post feet

Too late, porn is cope, you have been enlightened with the knowledge that bros probably make the best hoes (unfortunately they can't have kids so it's a no for me though)

Have you met the aussie that draws those furry lions, perhaps you should ask him for a comission.

Pic related would be a 10/10 gf/wife for me

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>I am straight as a line
And as fragile as a line you enormous flamboyant faggot

Damn, yeah that's really rough, I can understand that you feel lonely, but im sure you will be able to pull through! I think we are all feeling a bit lonely right now, but hold onto your plans, im sure things will improve!
>Have you met the aussie that draws those furry lions
Oh boy have I, he even drew a pic of me!
I doubt he would wanna take a commision from me though.

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He already drew a pic of daneboy.

answer the fucking question you Thai cuck. How do I stop such dreams?

Get a dream catcher, ideally one in rainbow colours, that'll catch all the gay dreams.

Unreal, whew I will have to check his twitter for more

What's a dream catcher? Is that a real thing?

Yeah, I was surprised too, though a bit dissapointed I was drawn as a blonde.

Well you could provide him a selfie to refer to

It's like some sort of native american thing.
I responded to him with my twitter so he should have a good idea about how I look now.

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Well did you do that after or before he drew you? He is an artist so maybe he thinks being blonde makes it more feminine i guess?

I only did after he posted it, but prior to that I had already shown a selfie to Yas Forums, I guess he just didn't see it.

Dm me on twitter xo

How am I supposed to DM you if I don't know your account?

"You're my ottoman, brother" or something like that from girls forM series

Yeah that's abit hard for him to refer to, oh well

Mybe if you can get a homos of Yas Forums going he might redraw lmao

Ah I already talked with him in a thread so he did tell me that if he ever decided to draw the character again, it would be with darker hair.

A million hours in paint. It might be too gray though.

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What do you mean by a million hours in paint?

Nah it's kinda spot on for the moment since I last dyed my hair in January and it's starting to fade.
Might sound gay but I tend to go with black hair with a slight blue tint.

It took two minutes to correct the colour of his hair.

I just picked the colours he used for the black suit so it would match. Your natural colour is brown right?

Yeah it's brown, but I prefer black cause it looks more sleek and cute with me.

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Black can look pretty cute, especially with light eyes. I feel like correcting the hairstyle but I'm not going to put off my morning exercise any longer.