Have you considered race mixing with a woman from another country?
Have you considered race mixing with a woman from another country?
I'd consider mixing with any woman at this point.
the most beautiful woman ive ever seen irl was from Turkey. so yes.
bruh I wouldn't be visiting this site if I had a chance of ever getting any pussy
the most beautiful woman ive ever seen irl was from Africa. so yes.
Based truth
Would it be considered race mixing if I smash Danielle Bregoli?
No causation I don't like women
based finnish poster
I’d race mix with a Persian or Lebanese grill but they’re all gold diggers
yes i CAN NOT imagine not having kids with a MENA girl
this is my life goal
If you mix with anything other than an Asian your kids won’t be white.
Classic frenchie
If you mix with an asian your kids are NOT white, man.
>If you mix with an asian your kids are NOT white, man.
They’d be closer to white than if you mixed with anything else. If they mixed with white their own kids will be indistinguishable from Russians.
She don't look like that anymore
Good thing you live in France.
I guess American standards might be different. I'll make sure my kids have blonde hair and blue eyes, like me.
fug you're right, she tryna be Cardi B now
I wouldn't want foreign children.
Your kids might not have it if you mix with an Asian, but it’s very possible your grandchildren could. Shit that’s good enough for me.
No, Jose. Just no. My bloodline will remain nordic.
Hope the roasties are worth it Sven. They’re not for me, I value loyalty, beauty, femininity, traditionalism, and sanity way too much.
lol, asian women are fucking insane and soulless.
Contrary to what you might believe, there still are traditional and feminine nordic girls here. I wish you luck, friend.
They can be a little crazy, but they’re extremely loyal, make the best wives, and care about you for you.
If you have that much faith in them more power to you man. I wish you luck as well.
Where did this extremely loyal meme come from?
She's definitely not white.
>he still doesn't know
It’s not a meme. Any man with an Asian wife can attest to it. They’re amazing cooks as well.
She looks middle eastern
sex yes
relationship no
children no
you're so naive. sure you pay the bills but jamal gets to shove his BBC up her cunt when you're away
You’re confusing Asian women with white roasties. Asian women hate Jamals with a burning passion.
that's just what they want you to think. it's an inconvenient truth that they like the BBC, but niggers are too dumb to provide food so you're getting manipulated like a simp
No. I am not a traitor to the white race.