This is the only type of Asian man that can survive and succeed in a white’s only society

This is the only type of Asian man that can survive and succeed in a white’s only society

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there is no dispute that MONGOLIANS reign supreme as the true alphas of the world

no argument here.

Turkics and Mongols. Yeah. They have very masculine and aesthetic faces.

Seriously what happens in Central Asia/Mongolia? When's the next steppe empire happening?


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It's over for them. They spawned in an inhospitable land and they maxed out their masculinity stat. If they ever recover from this it will be by chance and not deliberate.

>It's over for them.
You talking about covid? As sparsely populated as Mongolia is, I figure they'll be just fine

They will be united under altai japanese flag once europe collapses due to all the negro and arab immigrants

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Nuke this shithole.


He is a proxy

Altaic isn't real

Mingolians are chads while Koreans and Japanese are sissy bottoms

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It will be real if enough people want it to be real.

wtf i love koreans/japanese


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Both japs & koreans carry tungusic genes from siberia, they are not that different from mongolians

SEA & south chinks are the sissy bottoms.

I look like that except slit eyes
Am i welcome?

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Mongolian and turkic are altaic
Japanese are sino-tibetan+altaic+jomon(pacific islander?)
While Korean, Siberians and Manchu are tungusic
Very different people.

Didn't Chinese cannibalism get inherited from Mongols? Before that, from 400 AD and earlier, the Chinese race was more civilized and cultured than the majority of Europe.

They all have origins in siberia & have round gooky siberian faces. Only SEA & south chinese are their own thing imo

japs and koreans are cryptochineses

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No, Confucianism talked about cannabalism as a form of punishment. I'm sure any time there was a severe famine, cannabalism was practiced.
The Mongols didn't conquer China until the 13th century.

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Turkics tungusics mongolics koreans & japs are all siberian people, the biggest diff between them is culture & language

They are tungusics with some sinic blood

mongol or chinese?

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