Edycja dyngusa
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Me on the right
Byłem bardzo skonsternowany jak się dowiedziałem że śmigus dyngus to tylko w Polsce jest.
a na rusi troche nie?
żyd płacze z bólu gdy mówi ci żebyś nie miał dzieci
własnie prawie sie zesrałem w gacie, bo łazienka byal zajeta.
fajnie zdech
jestem caly czas, ale nie postujecie
>spróbuj usunąć konto w żappce
>od 10 minut ładowanie po tym jak kliknąłem usuń
to wina żydów
>to wina żydów
to ale nieironicznie
I have a question for the Poles.
po chuj podbiłeś jak spadał
sabotażysto pierdolony
Thank you for bumping this holy general
to muj fetysz
tłuste świenie?
>36-latek z Moskwy chciał sobie zrobić selfie, jednak poślizgnął się i wypadł z okna. Trzymającego się parapetu mężczyznę uratowali policjanci. Jak się okazało, mężczyzna złamał "reżim samoizolacji" za co został ukarany mandatem.
Yeah but about my question.
hit me
ale tylko w hidżabie
hidżab jest zajebisty
jest powód dlaczego araby zakrywajom swoje kobiety
>kurwa rołsti świecąca dupą na lewo i prawo bez żadych zasad
>ładna tradycyjna o ponętnych kształtach nie mająca nic do udowodnienia kobieta w hidżabie
It's complicated but it relates to this new Polish law requiring concentration camps be specified as "German" facilities. Poland obviously suffered a great deal more from the Nazis than the Baltic states but my understanding it was no less enthusiastic in assisting with the holocaust. However millions of Poles were killed in the Holocaust including a great deal of non-Jewish Poles. How do ordinary Polish people see this controversy? Do they care? Are they indignant at the implication of being collaborators?
haha to ten smieszny mem z wykopu xdxxddddddd
zamknij pizde, chuj cie to czarnuchu jebany
> Poland obviously suffered a great deal more from the Nazis than the Baltic states
Balts didnt suffer anything from nazis bc they collaborated you moron.
>However millions of Poles were killed in the Holocaust including a great deal of non-Jewish Poles.
Jews are not Poles and are not considered Polish here even living here for centuries. So any stats would tell you how many Poles and Jews died separately. In Poland it was more or less equal 6 million - 3 Poles and 3 Jews. No its not The 6 million. These are our war loses. So we dont pity them at all.
> in assisting with the holocaust.
The fact we didnt. Jews mix everything up. Not saying there werent cases of local collaborations but it was marginal. What Jews are butthurt about are pogroms that happened during the war. There werent massive but they happened. But there is a thing. There werent related to nazis in general. Miraculously absolute majority of them took place in the eastern part of Poland previously occupied by soviets. Want to know why - because jews are commies and collaborated with russkies. Once they were pushed out by germans troops jews were left without protection and Poles said thank you to them. So its not like a part of holocaust for us.
Z Discordziaka akurat
dyngus nutthin
pyszne pl jest trochę zjebane w porównaniu do pizzaportal żbsz
a uber eats?
>Balts didnt suffer anything from nazis bc they collaborated you moron.
Well that's what I'm saying but I'm sure they pull the victim card. And no need to call me names.
>No its not The 6 million.
I know but it is over half of the total kill count.
>The fact we didnt.
I guess that's what I'm not sure about. There are a great many contemporary Polish reports of what was happening at Auschwitz - Birkenau and with Aktion Reinhard. None of them were celebrating what was happening but I don't think the general populace was very sympathetic.
Anyway I mean no disrespect I'm just picking at the issue of how Poles understand the holocaust, either as something done to our through them.
wypierdalaj murzynie
żaden Polak nigdy nie kolaborował hurrra husaria