Moving to Japan

So I recently got offered a job to become an English teacher in Japan, but I've never been there before.

I kinda feel like my current career path is sort of a dead end/low income entry. I took Asian studies as a minor in college.

Any other Americans living in Japan? Should I do it bros?

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I kinda wanna do this except I stutter so I could never teach hahahahahaha

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Isn't being an English teacher in Asia the ultimate dead end? Like how do you move up from there.

I used to suffer with that too. Unfortunately the only way to move past it is to talk more and more and be more sure of yourself when you speak.

fair point. I kinda just want a job that isnt McDonalds tier at this point.

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Do you love Japan?

I have a license to practice pharmacy in the USA and I'm trying to figure out what non-ALTcuck job I could get in Japan. Post-doc pharmaceutical research maybe? Any anons have ideas?

The problem with English teaching in Japan is that you'll most likely get a temporary contract i.e. 2 years, and then your visa will expire. So you should just use it as a jumping off point to find a more permanent job.

Davido-kuns in the making here

I truly do, yes. The classes I took on Japanese culture and history were some of my favorite in uni. I'm not a weaboo fag though.

Thats the type of contract I'm being offered. I'm okay with it. If worst comes to worst, I have insider contacts that can possibly hook me up with a teaching job in the Caribbean afterwards.


>Any other Americans living in Japan?
Probably 90% of Japanese flags on Yas Forums. The other 10% are various European and South American posters.

>I have insider contacts that can possibly hook me up with a teaching job in the Caribbean afterwards.
Why would you want to go there? I was under the impression that your main motivation was living in Japan. If you don't care, then Japan is a bad option because the pay is lower than most other countries compared to the workload.

If you're offered a contract that's cool but moving up from there is gonna get really hard in current climate. Reminds me when weird uncle migrated there seeking work like that but didn't make the cut and ran out of money so he offers himself. Japs don't really take it easy towards to foreigners unless you're outstanding so it might be hard after those 2 years.
Working in the Caribbean sounds pretty cool though.

So despite being American I actually went to an international high school on one of the islands.

The thing about the Japanese program is that they would give me teaching training and stuff like that. I'm not sure how much of that is transferable to teaching classes in other nations though.

Yikes. Sorry about your uncle. Could totally see that happening if things went really wrong. Hopefully they won't be too mean to me for being a foreigner.

Before you move first come here alone at least 2-3 weeks and try to make some friends and see how girls react to you.
It's not a small decision so make sure you know what you're doing.
I'm only a "tourist" here for 6 months but would never live here.

I also have a dead end job in my home country but doesn't prevent me to save 2k$ a month, quit whenever and get another one.

All American English teachers that come to Japan are fucking losers
Please go to Korea instead

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Oh he was kinda creepy anyways, never really saw him often and was kind of outcast from the family. He was about 44 when his wife divorced him and then he started to teache karate at the local school and it was rumoured he was fond of this high school looking malaysian girl. I think he left 2 years ago when my dad found out she was underage and she had been staying at his place.
We don''t really talk about my dad's side cause theyre fucking drongo arse bogans aside from himself who made it as something as mining engineer. He says with international work, expect to be on the move quite often.

not really.

>Current career path is a dead end
>English teacher in Japan
You do realize that that is LITERALLY the only job you will ever get to work there?

found the English teacher



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sounds like a good life there, do they accept nonwhites?



No the stutter is caused by Tourette’s so I’m fucked for life I can never teach in Japan

Thread theme

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No problem, just don't be American

if i want to work there id prefer to work at companies or diplomatic missions, since the latter usually accepts economy and communication graduates(other than IR, law, and polscience), teacher is a dead end job desu

for japanese do you guys also accept other asians to teach english?

>I took Asian studies as a minor in college.
