Your cunt

>your cunt
>do you use duolingo?

Attached: 4-nope-perfect-duolingo-moc.png (512x1200, 117.57K)

Every once in a while

Sometimes, I find it boring desu. I'd rather just get a grammar book and use memrise for vocabulary

Only for hungarian, because I haven't found many didactical video and the PDFs in the /lang/ mega file aren't really useful

They're starting the beta testing for Yucatan Mayan if you're interested.

it's only good for grammar in my experience. but i don't care if my grammar is good as a new speaker, i just want to communicate and stack vocabulary. good for polishing maybe, or very very beginners.

Is there Nawatl?

Duofaggot is so annoying on Russian when it asks for me to write a sentence in Russian with an English Keyboard

No. It looks to mostly be weird translation exercises with a bit of vocab/grammar presented in unnatural situations. I don't like how so many people who use it think it's sufficient.

yea, I'm trying and coming pretty well along with norwegian. idk if it'll ever be that useful aside from being able to shitpost in a new avenues and put down bilingual on resumes, but hopefully it'd open up something or at least let me rise above the average burger

I agree so much. I dont think I have seen a sentence longer than 8 words on it.

No, I haven't heard of any indigenous Mexican languages other than that Mayan and Navajo in the works.

I'm using it for Russian via the app on my phone. I just added the Russian keyboard and use that.

It's not meant to be sufficient, it's just an easy way to fit in extra practice while you use other tools primarily.

Norwegian grammar is simple and similar to English. If you focus on vocabulary, you'll more or less pick up the grammar without having to study it too much. Make sure to do plenty of listening exercises, though, because some words sound different than how you'd expect them to sound.

It's not bad for learning new vocabulary.
Sure, it's not really advanced, but it helps you get a solid base to learn a language. I learnt most of my french vocabulary in duolingo and it's the reason I could listen to a simple podcast.

I was learning French through Duolingo few months ago.
Got too lazy to continue though :(

douligno made me realise: "this" and "the" are the same

>the dogs
>this dogs
>this dog
only two make sense

Vocabulary is the hardest part of any language honestly. You'll always sound like a toddler unless you memorize over ten thousand words.

>Norwegian grammar is simple and similar to English
Yeah, that's the big reason I picked it up, a buddy of mine in languages said it was the easiest for english speakers and so far it seems to be pretty similar
>because some words sound different than how you'd expect them to sound.
Yeah, that's what I've noticed too. A lot of words are spelled strangely but pronounce like cognates, or have really weird pronunciation but spell very similar to a synonym or something

Bukowski laughs in the distance

>over ten thousand
most people probably know only 7000ish

yes Im using every day for about 50 days now but I lost my streak last week :(

can someone explain this meme. I do not recognise the bottom three flags nor the ones above it aside from Berber

what's the point of streaks

The bottom 3 are meme languages. High Valyrian from Game of Thrones, Klingon from Star Trek, and fucking Esperanto, a literal made-up language.

wtf is the red white and green union jack


Westerners from America don't want to learn those languages


yes right now because im lazy as fuck and just began. will use textbook, anki, and maybe memrise eventually

if you learn duolingo by every step like its supposed to be done correctly (turn gold every lesson) doig a streak mantains you "into" the language I guess.
it gets tiresome but I heard people with 600 days of streak with great dominance of the language

did they seriously implement made-up meme languages before Persian and Thai? embarrassing

yeah its fucking dumb

yes lmao
there are so many languages in this world and they went with fictitious ones.

wish they had attic greek

It's user generated content you brainlets. That just means no Thai or Pars are interested in providing that content.