Imagine being a filthy inbred prison colonist and an anglo on top of that
How could it possibly get any worse?
Imagine being a filthy inbred prison colonist and an anglo on top of that
Having to deal with faggy Europeans on a daily basis
By selling itself out to China
The average Aussie guy is a thousand times more Chad like than the average German guy so I'd say pretty well
Australians are island americans
t. milquetoast american
ni hao
Not wrong
What's your excuse?
what are you on about our population has doubled in like 25yrs alone
Glass houses
dumb meme when everything here is owned/controlled by the angloamerican empire to our detriment
>Australians are island americans
you talking shit about america, faggot?
>How could it possibly get any worse?
it can't
its a fight on two fronts, my friend
yeah and in terms of actual investment even though it gets all the coverage the Chinese are tiny. We just sell our shit there and they try and fuck around(still less than Americans and the English who are both as bad) we basically fuck them off
Only for foregin born people
abos got absolutely dabbed on
Interesting to see Australia compared to Canada. Both countries are about equally Asian with the same chinese population however Canada has more flipinos but Aussies have a large Viet population which we don't really have
Aussies are more white overall but they are heavily concentrated towards Brits where as Canada as more spread across Europe. Aussies also have Polynesians which dot exist here.
Canada has wayyy more black people than Australia, there are more black people in Toronto than all of Australia. Despite the abo memes we have twice the native pouplation as them as well, and a lot more pajeets ( Indians in Canada are closer to 5%)
The only people who believe that are the dumb cunts who would of voted for the fat cunt Clive Palmer because the ads on tv told them so.
i think we got heaps of viet refugees back in the 70s. my second cousin married a viet refugee decades ago and theyre still together
yeah and the funny thing is that by far the majority of African Australians are white
Australia catches on fire because it gets hot
Germany catches on fire because of Germans
Tbf saffers are worse than niggers
Is there anything more cringe than irrelevant Chinese colonies trying to LARP as le epic Anglosphere
i'm not larping. i am a pure anglo australian
>How could it possibly get any worse?
By not colonizing cute brown slaves like me
Stop posting under that flag, black swarthy African Brythonic negro, oh wait you'll always be subjugated lol
Something something (South America)
Being an old stock Georgian.
>inbred anglo
>prison colonist
>slaveowner ancestors
>revolted twice
By seeing your cunt's demographics changing in real time before your eyes and not being able to do anything about it
if dubs i eat burger