"you can have any wish granted. what do you want?"

>"you can have any wish granted. what do you want?"

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Being immortal would be a fucking curse. Sure, I wouldn't mind living a few hundred years longer, but forever?

>Any wish? Seriously? Perfect! I wish I were dead

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but forever
yes why not you retarded monkey?

I’d wish we were all of us living inside a resource-rich Dyson sphere.

>Anything huh? Turn me into an immortal loli then.

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>unironically being this fucking dumb

have fun in a few million or even billion of years and just imagine getting stuck somewhere at some point in time while being immortal and no one being able to help you

also its basically guaranteed that at some point in time something will go horribly and unexpectedly wrong and your immortality would turn into the worst curse imaginable

>Planet dies
>All life on earth ends
>Floating through eternal darkness torn apart my cosmic forces, but never dying

all the powers of ssj4 goku

>Anything huh? Turn me into an immortal shota then

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I would love that desu I would just wander around documenting human history evolve

You just want the eyeliner and the pink fur, faggot

I would want a jinni shapeshifter who is able to achieve a lot of wishes.

>immortality good

room temperature iq

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Just meditate for eternity
I don't see the problem

Shapeshifting would be a kickass superpower

that depends, do you have classcial immortality where you don't die to old age or disease but can still die to physical attacks, or immortality + invulnerability/healing factor?
either way i'd still say yes

what makes you think immortal means completely invulnerable you dumbass, immortality usually implies not dying of old age

You didn't think this trough, did you?

Depends whole lot on the context.

A respite from oblivion? Yes, whatever form it takes.

>meditating when you cant breathe, are freezing to death, cant see anything and much more

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>immortality + invulnerability/healing factor
> i'd still say yes

you dont know what you are talking about if you would say yes to that

>Anything? Turn me into an Immortal, then. The Achaemenid one.

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I would wish being able to fly. I don't know, it would be pretty neat and I would get the fuck out and hang up there for like half of the day every day.

>haha i am so le depressed and tired of living but i wont kms because uhhh...uhh well i just dont wanna!

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Potential physical uncomfortability isn't even the worst thing. You have time to experience everything, get bored of everything, forget everything, lose your sanity infinity many times, restore your sanity just to lose it again after another eon. There is no end, just endless time and nothing to do with it. You already tried literally everything. You think. You can't remember anymore.

why not? the only downside is that you could get stuck somewhere but you have literally forever to wait it's not that bad.


>You're depressed and tired? That must mean you want to kill yourself! I want to kil myself all the time I'm not experiencing dopamine high!

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Make me God

>humanity fades out
"yeah well I guess I'll just hang out here"
>a billion years pass, the sun becomes brighter and the oceans boil
"yeah well, at least I can enjoy the landscape and explore earth for the millionth time"
>few more billion years, the sun becomes a red giant, earth melts
"haha this burns but at least I won't sink in this magma haha"
>a few more million years, Earth evaporates and is swallowed by the Sun. You start falling into the dying star until the density becomes similar to your own body's density and you kind of float there
"guess I'll just have to like, stay here. Everything is red and hot. But I can meditate or some bs"
>Few more million years, the Sun becomes a white dwarf, you fall into its surface. Its gravity is so strong you can't move your body at all, you are just pinned down there. If you are lucky you fall face up and can observe the blue-shifted universe for all of eternity, until the matter evaporates or what's left of the Sun is swallowed by a black hole trillions and trillions of years later
"well fuck"

Inmortality with eternal youth as a 10/10 150 IQ and 150 EQ 20cm dick turbochad

What makes you think the thing that remains after couple quadrillion years of waiting resembles human in any way?

>Granted, but you're a turbo-manlet

>depression is real!!!1!

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im immortal im not human by definition ill be drifting through space enjoying the views then i will witness all that ever is and ever will be.
its cool.

Post your face when the bioengineered posthumans couple of century later have 11/10 look, 200 IQ and 40 cm dicks?

you 3rd world subhumans need to be cleansed from this planet, your stupidity and ignorance is unbearable, actual nigger IQ

a gf

So you cease to be and some immortal super being with no relation to you takes your place? Genious move.

Can't you see the stars?
Universal consciousness is already immortal, you are the meat you eat.

You'll learn to enjoy these things

All stars blink out after some odd billion years. You have eternity of darkness left to experience. Welcome to Hell.

>Depression, just think happy thoughts.

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>in trillion or quadrillion of years
>he doesnt know

have fun getting absorbed and getting your literal atoms torn to pieces by black holes when you are immortal

Immortal literally means that you cannot die.


>by definition ill be drifting through space enjoying the views then i will witness all that ever is and ever will be.
its cool.
You most likely won't If somehow you managed to get yourself out of the Solar System and start orbiting the Milky Way your chances of ever getting somewhat close to another start would be abysmally low. Nevertheless another planet. You most likely would spend the next few billions of years seeing stars and more stars, they would fade out and then darkness for the rest of eternity.

Or perhaps you'll enter in a black hole, or time is cyclical. But consider what I said that we are already immortal.

You don't know what is in a black hole, it could be a new beginning.

Eternity is eternity, which means that one day you'll end up in a nice planet again

We are not immortal, dummkopf.

not even an immortal being could withstand the forces happening near a blackhole, you wont be going anywhere even in a perfect made up for fun scenario it would still be impossible for any kind of matter to pass through it in one piece
