Arab vs. german

who would win?

Attached: germanvsarab.png (1075x1321, 1.85M)

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he looks like he has some french ancestry :)

What's the difference?

wtf is that on his shoulder? strawberry juice?

which is which?


I’m pretty sure that guy on the left is really Romanian or Bulgarian.

what's the difference?

That German cop looks pretty bad ass though not gonna lie

Does anyone notice the sexual tension whenever two men face each other in an antagonist way? I see it a lot in mma like the homoerotic relationship between the joker and batman.

he is Italian I think

looks like a welshman

One of those "light sticks"? Whatever they're called


Attached: 1.webm (264x472, 1.88M)


Isn't this from Netflix dogs of Berlin?

plot twist - they're both arabs

had this exact thought in my head

glow sticks

That's literally from some tv show.

They almost made out

The actor on the left is Italian, though.

was ist der unterschied?

All on the ROMVN BVLL

Attached: 1289473627162.jpg (216x234, 11.09K)


Attached: CA793104-E2C6-45CA-88BB-BD66E8B3AC97.jpg (750x1231, 569.67K)

Yeah, sorry I don’t know the guy’s actual name, you demented fuck.

we wouldve heard about him if he was romanian, his face look like you're average arab

>Vittorio Pirbazari
>Not Italian

There isn't ONE person with that surname in Italy

Attached: chrome_vS9Ohxy8sT.png (641x503, 58.79K)

Arab lose to everything. Look the Israel independence war. Pathetic people...

Of course, because he's in Germany now.

He spawned from a Kinder Sorpresa?