What's your phobia?

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Heights. Anything over 20 feet in the air makes me nervous. Climbing is hell.

having my testicles torn off by a dog against my will

I think I don't have one


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Losing my vision

I don't know if this shit is a phobia but I can't think nothimg more scary than fallin into a black hole



Being stuck in an elevator with an American

Oops, wrong video


Nothing. I never felt fear


Would you pick it up?

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Dark basements, hallways etfc. I saw some shit as a kid and never forgot it, never will. I hate darkness since then.

Time for greentext bro



Chinese people

Fine, but I'm drunk and tired.

>be me
>age 14
>be exploring old building in town, used mostly for storage but lower levels abandoned
>have shitty flashlight powered by those big ass batteries that ran out in like 20 minutes
>be in hallway, about to return upstairs and leave
>friend points at wall and tells me to give him some light so he could tag it with some paint
>as he's doing that I hear something to my right
>turn light that way, friend gets angry right away but looks that direction
>something is looking at us, from around the corner maybe 20 meters down the hall
>we both freeze and just stand there
>I move the light towards it's "head" or whatever it was, it was nearly at the ceiling so around 4 meters above the floor
>the figure moves like a fucking horror monster back around the corner so we can't see it anymore
>stand there in chock, but quickly start climbing back up stairs
>friend is behind me, grabs the flashlight and shines it back again
>it's fucking back, this time in doorway like 5-6 meters from us, then just gone as the light touches it but just enough time to send us into panic mode
>we don't even scream, turns out real fear is worse than what you see in movies
>we just run, run and fucking run, no sound
>burst out through door into blazing sunlight
>keep running for several minutes away
>go home and feel like shit for several days, nightmares and everything
>spend summer playing vidya and sleeping over at my friends place so I didn't have to be alone because my parents were traveling

That's pretty much it. It's the strongest memory I have from my childhood.

Being rejected by a girl

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I actually have a phobia of bees.

Losing my preteen female friends. It happened. It still fucking hurts.

for me, it's spiders

I don't really have one. I used to be afraid of the dark and sleeping as a kid because of some very nasty nightmares and hallucinations persisting into my waking state, but I managed to overcome that with enough time and knowledge. I never even told my parents so I was left one on one with that shit. Nowadays there's a lot of things that I'm not comfortable with but it's never bad enough to be considered a phobia. I'm always able to rationally adapt to whatever's thrown at me.
Darkness is one of those things that make me uncomfortable the most. I'm not really afraid of it, I don't even turn on the lights eventhough I could. But every now and then I'll get a weird feeling and just have to turn around towards that dark hallway. Just to make sure. And then to make myself feel more confident I'll flip the bird at that motherfucker so he knows who's in charge now.

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i don't understand how they gain so much more potential energy than the star itself before its collapse.

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fear itself


Being tortured to death

where does the absorbed stuff even go?

Fear of failure, being rejected/presenting myself in an unacceptable manner.
I find a lot of comfort in superficial Buddhist philosophy and pessimism.


ok but monsters aren't real so what was it