Why are so many young Brazilian males transforming themselves into girls?
Why are so many young Brazilian males transforming themselves into girls?
European genes
because we're a free country
Vice-President General Augusto Rademaker
white 'men' make the best traps
They shower too much and lose testosterone.
I don't know, but I'm glad they are.
I'm sorry guys, he's taken
don't LGBT get killed in latin america?
>European genes
I heard he had lebanese ancestry, haven't been able to confirm though since I've forgotten his name lol.
because dumb, impressionable latinos are the most susceptible to progressive bs. even more than indians.
you might not like it, but this is what the perfect gf looks like
Felipe Mattar
everyone is killed here, fags dying are just a drop of water in a ocean
How do people who date traps explain the situation to friends and family?
>that manlet with shit taste is stretching her boipucci at this moment
To suck white cock
Didn't he break up with his bf recently?
People don't even notice he's a man
I remember him telling a story on instagram about hooking up with a guy at a LGBT club and the guy he hooked up with freaked out when he saw the penis and hit him
This show how well she uses angles and filters on her own photos
crack open the quran faggots
>at a LGBT club
>the guy he hooked up with freaked out when he saw the penis
Nobody would blame you for fucking something that cute irrespective of chromosomes
You think he looks bad in that pic?
It seems to be the case that Felipe has Lebanese genes. At least it's been mentioned several times.
Brazil is a misterious country working on misterious ways
What's wrong with her cheeks? It looks swollen.
an overbearing mother/absent father leading to a more feminine than masculine personality (which isn't a problem by itself) and a lack of self esteem which is compensated for by being pretty and submitting to a stronger man that fills the role of the father that they never had. it's a problem worldwide
What does it say?
He's hiding deez nuts in her mouth
Hello heeeelo,I'm drunk and gay, be my bf, be my bf, be my bf, todaaaaaaaaaaay!
I fail to see a problem with this phenomenon
>I hate april (???) whaaa whaa I'm so famous and lonely
>Don't worry you can stay with me in april
h-hot wish I had a daddy to submit to, lol
I'm single too but I don't drink
Drink and kiss me right in the lips
I fucking hate the fact that this degenerate fuck has dick and balls
I wish that i could masturbate looking at Sayuri and doesn't feel guilty aftwards
I'll turn down the drink cause I'm a recovering alcoholic ya goober, but here you go
Mmmmm kiss me baby
ur just insecure m7
I fap to her and have a gf.
white QT trapboys are MADE for Latino/Lusino cock
Tranny "vaginas" are gross af.
Better let him keep his dick.
im sorry that you had a sexual awakening at such a young age and let it get to this point. please try to love yourself without needing someone elses approval, theres a lot of bad men that like to take advantage of weak men like you
>Get some beta wagie that works two jobs to pay for your boob job
>Break up with him
He really is a woman
stop saying "her" you dumb cunts, Felipe is a boy, a proud boy with dick and balls
Does anyone have the screenshot of the US guy who went to Brazil and got anally fucked by a trap?
He posted on Yas Forums about how he lost his virginity and everybody laughed at him, it was pretty funny. Might've been 2015 or older.
Ha ha, I posted that the other day
If they are convincing, you don't have to
I stole it because someone posted that at me...
Probably me *kisses*
>Pay for his tits
>Another man gets to play with them now
based *smooch*
This. There are dangerous people out there. Don't become a slave to your own sexuality.
This is what awaits for you if you visit Brazil
>go for GB
>get T instead
I bet this happens a lot nowadays.