Jordyn Jones edish
How big is her penis?
fuck the Dutch sub edition
Yank in
claimed for Sian
Right. Off to watch some Twitch streams.
Prince Charles is the Tarq King
Bring back hitting women. Rape too. Society would benefit greatly. Women have the whip hand over men as things are.
Women are encouraged to use their beauty to get what they want. Yet men are prohibited from using their physical strength to get what they want from women. Very unfair.
for me it's vanessa cage
emmett would stuff cloggy into a locker
Your personal fetish changes nothing
You change nothing
You will never be anything other than what you already are
I love Ash Sarkar lads.
bigger than yours
die wog
*does't have a gf*
Dobby was the one for Mark
fucking BASED
this fintan fella has really broke rorke's brain
have you considered having sex?
Know somebody who has a retarded kid cause the mother was a heroin addict and literal prostitute that hoe’d behind his back while preggo. Fucking hell imagine being that kid.
>men are prohibited from using their physical strength to get what they want from women.
You spent your youth memorizing Pokemon names and Call of Duty strategies while Chad's spent it in the gym and playing sports to get women
id get on my knees then power up and uppercut her into the ceiling
>You're gonna have to pay reparations for the Bengal Famine with your come white boi... Now drop your trousers...
this must've proper freaked people out in the 70s. it's nothing to zoomers though, they have a tolerance to that kind of stuff.
too hairy in all the wrong places
alri em how's things
tits like rotten naans
need for speed underground 2 on gamecube
in a way, changed my life
>groom and shag 20yo employee
>cheat on wife and mother of your children
>lol im gay btw
>gets away with it all
Been benzo free for 3 weeks lads
Probably my longest break since about 2017
she was only 16 mr wayne
>Check /brit/ at 10am
>Check /brit/ at 11pm
>It's exactly the same posts
Good day today then lads
too dark to be a peng desi bird desu
Pic related is peak desi
>Come on white boy I need to be eaten out right now or I'm enforcing brown socialism immediately.
> this fintan fella has really broke rorke's brain
any withdrawals?
For me, it's her
thos efucking tits are so grim ahaha
saggy a cups at fucking what, 30?
you are not a true gamer unless you can shove a gamecube up your ass
The pig got away with all that?
In nature, as a hunter gatherer, I would be allowed to rape a woman I find in the woods and keep her as my sex slave. It’s how things should be.
for her it's me
Oh God lads. I think I'm gonna coom.
should go to russia mate, woman beating is just accepted.
russia n women even enjoy being beaten
good lad
apparently it takes months or even years for your tolerance to go back down to near zero. youve got a long break ahead of you if you're doing a tolerance break.
thicker and smellier vaginal mucus
more JJ less pakis
Ahaha what was he thinking with this name
blue graph needs to be shifted towards the Y axis
keep making awkward eye contact with a lass at work. she knows that i know she's jewish.
how can people be so confident/narcissistic?
i can't imagine filming myself showing my arse and thinking "i'll put this on the internet, people are lucky to see my body"
for me its this one
yeah wtf why did he pick that name?
i'm already stretching for the xbox series x
Nah was only taking them about twice a week. Have had severe withdrawals in the past. Still drinking daily and hitting those GABA receptors however.
Guess he thought it sounded more authentically Irish than something like Seamus
so does this mean i'll 100% have a girlfriend/wife by the time im in my mid 30s, even if she's a used-up whore?
do you have to use them all? can't remember?
>not posting the REAL JJ
fuck off nonce
NEED a brown gf
be excellent to each other
clearly shows whites and blacks there, why was it labelled a hate crime?
you into qotsa? it's my favourite band desu
can't wait to see what they'll do next, last album had serious choons
Don’t let women take advantage of me because i’m not a beta chump. Its that simple.
is this true
white women are spoilt privileged mongs
cant stand em
Oh Ash...
the absolute pinnacle in my opinion
need a slutty yank gf to drop MDMA at EDC with
how much longer before JJ makes porn?
50 divided by 10 then times the 5 by 100
>lunedi aprile 13
mate thats a cardboard box not an actual photo of the event
>serious choons
white women are massively overrated
alri' mate, hows it going?
unrelentingly grim
brown women smell terrible though
bill + ted ya neckbeard
>white women are spoilt privileged mongs
>yank raves
Did Belle Dolphin ever actually do full penetration porn?
Literally nothing wrong with the name Gearoid
ok changed my mind
Ahh couldn't find that one
How long have we been in lockdown?
how was the new limmy show?
mums got the rona and is starting to struggle breathing lads
>Didn't have any choice for first 3 years
>Have to choose modules for Year 4
>All of them have the words "Advanced" or "Complex" in the name
>No matter what I choose I bet the cunts that chose something else will be gloating how easy their shit is next year
fucking horrifying this is making me choose
I messaged all lecturers and just went with what got the highest average grades.
That's a wise decision, right? Inshallah
Utter spastic
What a complete utter fucking spastic you are
Just incredible
last year i wanted a trap gf (male). i wanted a cute boy with a cute willy who takes estrogen and dresses like a girl.
now i desperately want a wife and children.
what happened? i went from being a total degenerate to wanting a nuclear family in the space of a few months
When people say the word choon I can only think of Supersonic by Oasis
Wouldn't be surprised if she did some for private individuals, but it's unlikely.
white people*
there are literally no full nudes of Belle Delphine anywhere on t'internet i've looked hard. She's a professional and she know what makes her money
3 weeks
Downloaded that JAV because of that webbum.
>>No matter what I choose I bet the cunts that chose something else will be gloating how easy their shit is next year
This is the key takeaway here, just choose what interests you if possible
never even a tit pic
did you want to add anything else to your post la? or is it supposed to be by itself
>That cottage cheese cellulite on the left on the arse
nah just vibin
My life has barely changed just can't get maccy ds or go to the pub
Hope she and you are ok la' keep an eye on her these coming days and don't be shy to call 999 if you need to
I'm afraid it's been 9 years
stop posting this utter dreck
what are you some 40yo woman?
2 and a half months
sucks the way she is peng here but her porn is rubbish
kind of went with this too
avoided all shit to do with robots
clearly a fucking freak no doubt you'll want to be shagging animals soon
nobody cares neckbeard, its a bill + ted reference now
Keep it up
she deffo does Theres loads i've seen em, actually had on saved but must have deleted them.
ah ok, carry on then
liked phil schofield until he said he was a poof
Slide away is their best song
what's her name la?
i wish she'd do more spit/tongue/mouth fetish stuff
i would kill someone if it meant belle delphine would drool on my face and into my mouth and all over her tits
lmao if only
good lad
Spastic retard
is this morning television?
I always assumed it would be light hearted stuff about disabled children feeding the ducks, not some bint showing off her tits
won't apologise for my tastes
nah not a single one you just go look. plenty of fakes and some of them are almost perfect fakes but honestly nothing real
take a shower
what the fuck, she's one of the hottest whores i've ever seen
brits always nail the high end ones, how can brit inbreeding produce this
Don't like how retarded kids cost taxpayers money.
Reckon they should be aborted.
kill yourself
fair shout
hope this corona shit will make the world realise how useless and overpaid the fashion industry is. nobody needs it.
Mbokos 75 IQ again
can't you just spaff to spit porn lad?
absolute simp, get a fucking grip
link it
Was it an inside job?
she's a mutt
i was just looking for LOVE and at the time i was most attracted to cute feminine boys and thought i would've been able to have a nice relationship with one
I'll do an inside job up your arse if you don't fuck off
What's it like? has anyone related to you died from it?
it is absolutely not useless