
jj edish

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Other urls found in this thread:



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all of these words are now officially banned

Thread's going too fast

any feet pics?

Emmett Garcin gets table service at Nandos
True story

You can't just ban the entirety of the Midlands

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wtf i think i might be a nonce now
how old is she?

Thanks for the wank material mate.

ah yes just arrest all of your doctors

anyone 'member reece and chloe?

she wants a man from brum

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“There's never a man looked me between the eyes and seen a good day a'terward"

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>complain about lack of PPE
>join a massive crowd of thousands of people that are all packed in tight

old enough

she's real grim now

Literally everything he said here is true

>It’s a dog eat dog world out there Ray, and you gotta be a fucking Chinaman. Caspere knew this.

ah yes fintan the tool

doesnt like britain

but he never shuts the fuck up about it

Hes abit of tool

On the walls of Cologne City Hall, hidden under a larger statue of Archbishop Konrad von Hochstaden, is a carving showing a man giving oral sex to himself. It dates to around 1410 and no one really knows why it’s there.

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you know what they say... "if her age isn't on the clock, she's old enough to make a Facebook account"

Did everybody have a nice Easter Sunday lads?

*doggy dog world

Why do women have moles?

a tribute to fintan otoole

Me on the wall

The Brits really do live rent-free in the heads of the Irish, and yet we don't think about them at all!


An ambulance just drove past me when I was out having a cigarette with its blue lights and let me tell you lads, if you were a photosensitive epileptic you'd be gone

Fintan's really done a number on rorke..

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Oh yes it's another thread where the Irish claim to hate us but come to our thread

It's a quote mate

ireland is just silicon valleys slutty gf desu.


>no one really knows why it’s there.
germans thats the reason

>A joke is like a fart, Ray. If you force it, it's probably shit.

tbf they weren't right next to each other
still would expect doctors to know better though

father fintan stack?

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Ireland > UK, simple as


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would you eat a chip 'za?

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give it a rest yee

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natural selection m80

Says the spammer

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Wish that pummle horse was me

Really wish car manufacturers would stop filling them with useless luxury features and go back to making simple, robust, long lasting cars that an average joe could fix himself. Its absurd that they make all their bolts specific to their cars so you have to buy their €500 ratchet set too

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Timeless wisdom init

all I know about the maze hunger strikers is that one of the survivors went on to become a gangster and property developer who literally hid his drug proceeds in the walls of his defective apartments blocks in Dublin before they were deemed defective by inspectors and they were discovered

not old enough to give a fuck about bobby sands

Of course, I always worship Ishtar

Oh you mean Easter? Nah

doubt you know much about either

reminds me of tim byrne's pc hacks

they've got nothing better to do
they live in ireland for god's sake

make me

Gonna make a sarnie for dinner. Toast it on the stove. A panino. Ham, lettuce, cocktail sauce (mayo & ketchup).

FO contrarian faggot

ireland doesnt even exist to me when im not on here

never see anything about it ever
dont even think about it
its just not relevant at all to me


If you look on old buildings built by stonemasons back in the day, usually cathedrals and churches. You can find lots of weird signatures from the builders in the stonework, they used tiny skulls a lot. They are not usually as overt as this though.

>oh my god you can't let terrorists starve themselves

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I always make a chip'za whenever I get takeaway

in 4 or 8 slices
never 6, for it's physically impossible to do so

utterly despise Yas Forums
wish /brit/ could be its own completely separate thing

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shut up nonce

I have and I do. Here you can get a pizza called the americano which is chips, wurstel sausages on a cheese and tom pizza.

somebody needs to tell this lad about Dashlane
This post was brought to you by Dashlane. Visit Dashlane.com/brit and use promocode brit1 for a 10% discount



stay home you fuckers for gods sake

jesus, she nosedived, new bf looks more divvy than are reece too.

ah yes the 'dutch' nonce very good

shut the fuck up

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Got banned for posting on Yas Forums haven't been on Yas Forums for months wtf

which order are these in?

room stinks of cum

How DARE you question the sacred authenticity of my obvious bullshit.

been on Yas Forums since i was 16, now i'm nearly 31. Sad isnt it

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sorry that was me

>20 y/o


get that lad on a ventilator

do you remember cockmongler

acting for the camera, they probably held him over a fire before the video

plus hes from iran so who really even cares its iran

you on mobile data?

well I'm not going out at half ten easter sunday night am I you dopey cunt

he's faking it

this but 14 and 22

anything below 30 is paedophilia

Guys help me how can I let people who I'm gay when I go out

for me its pleasure island

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Why are you such a fucking embarrassing fuck up? Jesus fucking christ fuck off and live your life you braindead slut.

I want to go to the fucking pub.

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About the same and I've learned and gained nothing from coming here

could not give one single fuck about iran or its people

I do. Crackychan as well

Dont dumby me i just want a simple car that wasnt made decades ago


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your fat

you will NEVER go to the pub again

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sounds like something a. oh your name

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ah yes overpriced beer in a miserable dirty environment

Genuinely despise the working class

same desu, mightve been 13 for me though but i cant remember

Me when me respiratory tract fails loool

the pub is boring
i said it

Those old cars are a death trap, and modern cars are too complicated for the average Joe

My rescue cat bites me when i try to move it off my lap
She won't accept being anywhere but on my crossed legs or chest unless im stood up
Her neediness is cute

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