How do the basic Brazilian look like?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Brazil.svg.png (1200x840, 55.82K)

I posted my face on the other thread, the last br reply is me

Like mutts

jesus christ what a collection of demonic looking goblin mutts

Blonde hair, blue eyes, 195cm tall.

Source Brazilian posters on Yas Forums.

god bless the brazilian federation

Depends on the state, city and birth RNG.
This shit is like a fuckload of different countries under one single retarded government.

Wish we were Aryans like the Dutch

kill me

Attached: file.png (170x208, 108.47K)

Attached: 50 shades of brownzil.jpg (855x571, 109.5K)

Most of the kids look pretty chill. I bet that's a pretty cool school/place for them.

the three girls on the left are really cute

Those are cariocas (Rio de Janeiro people)

South Brazilians are white

Attached: South Brazilians.jpg (512x339, 85.85K)

Attached: images (36).jpg (554x554, 98.74K)

Attached: brazilians.jpg (1920x1080, 284.43K)

Like me

Attached: chimpanzee-1975197_1280.jpg (1280x1269, 365.22K)

>posts pic of private school for elite jews

all me btw

This was taken during the carnaval in São Paulo.

Lmao, why does every paulista male looks like a soyfag

Too much south European DNA.

Attached: Lais Calegari.png (694x1045, 1.33M)

Where are you from?

I am a goiano bvll but I live in Amazonas to fuck kuruminhas

Great, lots of delusional pardos are no longer claiming to be white

All brown mutts


Oh nice the self-loathing macaco spammer got banned.

Attached: Southern_Brazil_1.jpg (1280x960, 263.43K)

Why are white boys so upset at regular Brazilian couples and our racial demographics?

What's so terrifying and enraging about this?

Attached: FireShot Capture 041 - _int_ - International » Thread #121360956 - (748x1815, 507.52K)

White “males” are the most insecure group of men, post a photo of a non-white man with a white woman and they will immediately will start spamming with white cope and will get you banned, but post a photo or start a thread about white “men” and non-white women and it will stay up for hours and will have lots of white circle jerking