Is tanning popular in you're country? Or is pale pink princesses more desired?

Is tanning popular in you're country? Or is pale pink princesses more desired?

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>tanning popular in you're country
Sort of. Girls with bad skin mask blemishes that way.
>pale pink princesses more desired

Yeah, it's sunny af here

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damn the girl in dark red looks indian
I wanna fuck sex horny horny horny

In my country being pale is considered as ill, and having a tan is desirable, everybody wants good tan

Tanning is the reason why white women age so bad

>pink princesses
Can only imagine what the greasy Mongoloid who took the time to write that out looks like

>tanning popular in you're country
is tanning popular in Texas

>pale pink princesses more desired
there is a pop song bout that

Definitely tanning. I have never met a brown girl who wants to be paler meanwhile every single white.girl tries to tan in the summer

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excuse him pleas, son of pink princesse

How do you know if a qt is a pink princess or a brown belle?

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Give more videos of her, who is she?

tanning is gay af, you're just irradiating your skin asking for cancer

Who is she?


definitely no.
in east asian countries, getting tanned means you're a manual labor and poor af. people think you gotta expose your skin to sunlight because you can't choose a job.

also we kind of admire white people. see the kpop stars. they've all got artificial pale skin

This. The only places I have heard that term are from those Asian subreddits

A Transylvanian succubus

random romanian girl IIRC
the guy got arrested for making this

She will look like the fat woman behind her in ~20 years.
To answer your question, people prefer tan skin but european features in face (nose, chin, eyes)

>the guy got arrested for making this
A brave man who took a hit for the internet.

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>Imagine seething over some words
now I know why the anglo used to call you nigger


Romanian girls are so underrated

exposes butt cheeks
gets buttmad people film it

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Pale are made fun

why? she has pictures of herself in bikinis on her instagram.

Tanning is popular. But people don't tan as much as scandis or brits.

>I have never met a brown girl who wants to be paler
user, i...

I know bro

absolutely rent free

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I was going to share the Mega link but I guess I don't have it anymore

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she‘s so fine but most of her instagram stories are fucking cancer don‘t waste your time

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What's her ig?

In the thread
