
rocco francis marchegiano

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first for anime

>came from work today
>gf’s car is missing
>go inside flat we’re renting
>missing a bunch of shit
>think “did we just get fucking burgled”?
>while panicking for my gf’s safety notice open spiral notebook on the kitchen counter
>tl;dr - note written by girlfriend details why she left me. in her words: I’m lazy, I don’t clean up, I don’t take care of any errands, I play video games for long stretches of time, I have no strong sense of work ethic, I don’t act like a man, I act too effeminate/cowardly, financially irresponsible, that I was a different person when we started dating, lack any ambition and “worst of all she says“ I change my mind too much and that “I’m in my head all the time, over thinking things”
>she says shes grown to the point she can’t stand to be in the same room as me and that while she loved me once she can’t ever see herself loving me again
>ends by apologising to me and saying she feels like she realised she was losing control of her life and that we would end up getting married and have kids and if that happened she would be stuck and miserable forever
>note just trails off; no goodbye or “I love you”

I’ve spent the 6 hours bawling my eyes out in a fetal position. She blocked me on everything: phone and every social media platform I just checked. None of her/our friends who I know intimately will answer their phones and many have blocked me on social media as well.

I loved this woman more than life itself. I knew we had some problems but I didn’t know she felt this way at all. She never said anything. Nothing. She still joked and bantered with me yesterday.

I’m hoping so badly that this just a dream and I’ll wake up.

For me its Azula

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he looks like robert deniro

unironically read every word of this novella

Yesterday wo Utatte, new anime from an old manga i didn't know
saw the second episode today, i recommend it

shan't read this

>saving an essay post for the new thread

no one is reading that mate, no one

ironically didnt read a single letter of this novel

have you tried shagging on speed?

Sir, This Is an Arby's

you'll get over it bud

You ever think that nothing ever good was going to happen in your life?

Opinions on drinking at 1 PM?


>an Arby's
a what?

>it's real


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yea it's It's 5pm somewhere right

relate heavily to that speed wanker
ruined normal wanks for me

Never had sex.

It's common among a lot of gay men however, sex involving amphetamines. At this point I will add for the record that I am not gay.

you can make things happen

stay strong king, become a better man for it and disregard slags
she'll be right mate

Mimmos Pizza in Cork are good

get on tinder lad

amateurish. should be on it by 11am at the latest desu

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yeah i used to but thankfully I was wrong

Watching Ken Burns' The War on PBS America.

Don't recall asking

Chin up mate!

Grin and bear it like the ol' British way! Even though she's getting fucked by Chad now!

got diagnosed with the high functioning autism last year, must have always been like this but its been more apparent since then. horrid way of life this is.
few cups of tea a day

note: I have not read this post, nor will I read a single letter of it.

It sounds like you are a neurotic little man-child with no redeeming traits, and she was right to leave, but should have told you in person.

delete all contacts with her, photos of her, memories of her, hit the gym, improve your income, and get a grip.

>Mmmmmm Pizza in Cork are good

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have you seen niamh

>When you are watching porn on meth it is like the porn scene is literally happening in your room.

>It's fucking intense and the screen is so bright it just makes it look way better.

are rob has a bit in The Times today lads and looking as smug as ever

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imagine being born an american, you're alive 5 minutes and they cut off your foreskin for no reason to please their masters the jews

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>few cups of tea a day
maybe try ditching those? i find tea, in particular, makes me go kind of spaced out. just an idea

who are you quoting

lets talk about sex baby, lets talk about you and me.

lets talk about sex

can't stop laughing at the irish

You know who had arcs? Noah

Yeah and nothing did, so what? I'm alive, I'm surviving

like i said in my last post in the last thread (not him btw) can never keep my willard going
never the same

yeah quite a good "floored" image going around earlier from the magazine cover

'Italian' is about as ethnic as I'm willing to go when getting post sesh-grub

link x

We're in Port of Cobh for the evening, they deliver nice food. It's a good thing.

imagine being born a mexican boy

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the incel larps as a girl now

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>posting this in /brit/

Bizzare question.

not on this visit,

can we all just have a moment to think about the fucking absurdity of circumcision


>you have chinkulosis... i'm sorry son, it's one hell of a thing

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Anyone for a round of the ol' fisticuffs?

went to school with a girl named Saorsha and broke her heart and deeply regret it

often think about her though I know she never thinks about me

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Just remembered that all landlords need sorting out lads

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seems suuuuper up herself, she's not even that fit facially or body wise.

also that bikini design aint working on a mechanical level, her mons pubis is basically out lmao

probably wouldn't end well for you, i'm well known around the estate.

Hate all these TV ads mimicking Zoom conferences

my wife :)

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Hey clogwog I'm gonna do a big wank to your imaginary girlfriend. You mad virgin? You gonna fucking cry or what?

how old were you? what did you do?


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Shut up you fucking gimp

ordering a cheeky indian x

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femboy theres no such thing

its never been a problem desu, get a headache if I don't drink a few brews a day. had a bad run with benzos and have come out the other side... so maybe my new normal is tougher than it was? i was taking 3 diazes or 1 or 2 zans a day. got into them for anxiety in the first place

would love to see a picture of this lad with his face straight on. there has to be catch

you can make those with cheaper ingredients and it will taste better

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Imagine being born a girl in a boy's body and having to live your life with the dysphoria. If only there was something that could be done... Hmmm...

Go on home British soldiers go on home!

Have you got no fucking homes of your own?

For 800 years we fought you without fear!

And we'll fight you for 800 more!

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It's an Indians you fucking mong

>I've fapped on meth binges for over twenty four hours straight without a break. By the end of that you are so dehydrated and forget to drink any water but it's part of the fun.

fuck off mboko

>Pub session with the lads

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Ex wants me back lads

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dont know what you mean lad

Hahahaha 800 years and yet they didn't get anywhere

its impossible to be born in a different body


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here we are then, it's finally happened
emmett vs clogwog
the great war of our time


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um they defeated britian and have their own state sweaty

Don't do it lad it's literally never the same.

Science disagrees.

mikey should be there

Love bimbos me
Glad its back in style

piece of lead to the skull solves that

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thats a man dressed as a woman theres nothing feminine about it

aaah yes let me fire up my tandoor

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>haha hell yeah dude let's go to the bar and slam some IPAs! Maybe even shots if we get real turnt bro

thats cant possibly be a girl (male) can it?

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Cope Nigel


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happens every day wish they would take a day off ffs

bedfordshire mentioned

yup all women want it desu they just wont admit it

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Shant be letting these benders hog any more threads, Ireland v England will be starting imminently

no it doesnt science agrees its literally impossible to be born in a different body

physically and literally impossible


Remember that they could have been evil and killed everyone on the island