Imagine the shame of being a Maghrebi. Not only are all of your countries backwards and dysfunctional like the rest of the Muslim world, but you don’t even have any history or great civilizations to be proud of like the other Muslim countries. Truly a terrible existence.
Imagine the shame of being a Maghrebi...
>conquered spain
>conquered portugal
>conquering france
>conquering belgium
>conquering the netherlands
>barbary slave trade was the largest in history
uhm based?
Uhm, Cartago? Al Andalus?
Carthage was founded and ruled by Phoenicians, Al Andalus was ruled by Jews and Spaniards.
Based 100%
I’d be embarrassed if I looked like a Para-negroid. Maghrebis have black facial features whilst having lighter skin. It’s fucking weird.
Morocco is pretty chad
Is this aa joke thread?
how is Carthage not a great civilization
maghreb is 15-25% black due to raping of black slave womens
No I’m completely serious. Maghrebis are a shameful people.
Not gonna lie. This is dangerously redpilled and based
That's a shit bait because outside of the middle east/china/india, no region has a superior history than the maghreb in the last 3000 years.
Al andalus is not really the maghreb, the islamic civilization of the maghreb in the 700-1500 period is disctinct from al andalus, despite the influences in both sides.
What are some examples?
Carthage was Phoenician
Al Andalus was Jewish and Spanish
Barbary pirates were Turkish
What’s left?
>this is considered bait in america
wich part of the butthurt bell are you? negroid? iberianoid?
Lol, it's muttistan, he's part of both + 3.99999% germanoid as well
That’s why their ugly i guess. I wouldn’t ever want to be reborn as a maghrebi, ever.
Neither. I’m just speaking the truth.
>Al Andalus was Jewish and Spanish
What is this bullshit lol
Sounds like heaven
If you look at all the significant figures of al Andalus they are almost entirely Sephardic Jewish or converted Spaniards.
I mean, it can only improve. I'd feel pretty confident if I were a nafri
meh, doesnt matter, if you got enslaved for 2500 years in all cases, kikes, white, nigger, they all tasted it.
"Maghrebi" is not a thing since a long time, it's a 30% negroid, 30% european, 20% middle eastern mutt today, mostly on the maternal side.
Drink up Italiano Vero
You are getting all the gas deals down in the desert.
Retake Al Andalus when?
Israel is an illegal state, do you agree? ;)
>Al Andalus was ruled by Jews and Spaniards.
Are you retarded? The rulling class of Al-Andaluz was arab-berber.
Israel is a real proto-Maghrebi land, even before Sheshonq or the Kutama, it was natufian EM81 land.
Real, ethnic, pure maghrebis created agriculture, civilization and made the human race something more than apes. (Most likely under the guidance of God)
Modern day mulatto maghrebis suffered from 2000 years of nigger and white pussy.
no it was arab/euorpean concubine bani Omaya
viziers were jews
knights were berbers
BTW OP posted a garbage map
Pic related, the historical maghreb in green, the original genetic maghreb in red (extended), and blue the recent addition of vassal states (1500-1800 era)
You're a half ape, you're not enlighted.
I didnt put the USA even if it was a vassal state / tributarian slave state of Algeria/Maghreb for several years (30% of their national budget) because the map would be too big. Should be at least protectorat/colony tiers.