Average european house

This is my house

what do you think?

Attached: villa-erba-esterno.jpg (1024x768, 180.79K)

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It's ugly. You should add more pillars.

Mr. Luchino Visconti, is that you?

Late XIX early XX McMansion

yes, i have come back to post on Yas Forums

Some time ago I went on a journey in search of the average European house

Attached: grand tour.jpg (2836x2812, 2.23M)

Did you really make that? Pretty interesting. And wtf Denmark.


Yes, I did put that collage together, I located low density housing street layouts in small towns not more than 15km or so from major cities and selected the first house from each that I found by placing street view on them.

Baste and basementbrowsingpilled

Tacky mcmansion, mine has more soul

Attached: 6.-madison-county-ms-home-for-sale.jpg (640x480, 121.24K)

looks like a place where murder happens

Here is mine.

Attached: 1559149145721.jpg (1620x1080, 617.03K)

Google maps is quite a resource, why shouldn't you use it?

I wish I could own a nice house one day

Houses in Switzerland are usually multi-storey buildings though.
Unless of course this is on a slope looking downwards.

You frenchies have no idea of design/architecture


Attached: 103962.jpg (600x450, 160.76K)

it is from a southern canton, and it does seem to be a slope

Based Italy. Meds get a lot of shit, but if you manage to make some money early in your life, I can't think of a better place to retire than a villa near the Adriatic or Mediterranean.

looks like shit, not even memeing loks like a disaffected grain silo

Actually this is the most common Catalan building in rural areas: la masia


Former factory

Attached: ape shack.png (1072x712, 1.37M)

He didn't build that.

t. Obama

love me tree
love me banana
love me shack
ate' water

simple as

chimple as


looks a lot like a hotel

I like the canopy over the entrance.


Haven't even watched the video but I'd wager this is Catalonia.