>And I hope they won't mind if I mention in particular two nurses who stood by my bedside for 48 hours when things could have gone either way. They are Jenny from New Zeland, Invercargill on the south island to be exact and Luis from Portugal - near Porto
Thank you for saving Boris, Portugal, very cool! I'd like to formally extend an invitation to Portugal to join CANZUK.
And I hope they won't mind if I mention in particular two nurses who stood by my bedside for 48 hours when things could...
I know like 4 nurses who went to England in the past 6years.
Portugal is shit.
Thankyou for your service
you're welcome greatest ally
kek one of my friends who went on to study nursing moved to Ireland, it seems many choose to go outside instead of staying in this shithole
can't blame them
Thanks bae
>France ever @ my porto bro who dabbed on him in the peninsula campaign
you can't control me, fool
>notice flag
>immediately disregard opinion
thanks for sending this top lad to help up fight the frogs, we'll never forget
we've got a fuckton of poortuguese here, don't say anything dumb or else...
or else what? you'll replace them with even more Nafris?
Portuguese immigrants are the only thing keeping your cities from going full Caliphate, you should be more thankful
Get the fuck outta here boy before he smacks you around
Spaniards are so incompetent, I swear...
In a just world, the Portuguese would be blessed with the English elite they deserve. With a firm ANGLO hand to guide them, they could be a great and powerful nation again
I bet those cucks wouldn't mind
Just tell them about those two, three times you helped them against France and Spain and they'll just suck your cock
Everyone has there moments
brb, gotta punch a sp*niard scum in the TEETH
spaniards are exceptionaly good at war, it's just they are utter shit at politics. Everytime spain made military campaigns out of its borders, small scale rebelions erupted - forcing a part of the army to remain and spread out the country instead of fighting the actual war. Within the context of iberian politics, castillian nobles often allied themselves with portugal, aragon, england or france just to make things more dificult for the monarchs
considering our national anthem has a mention to fight against the brits, not really
the UK is a friend, but any and everytime anyone tries to "enlighten" or "civilize" us, they are met with fierce resistance
>gotta punch a sp*niard scum in the TEETH
why the fuck would a man choose to be a nurse?
Nurses are supposed to be women or fags.
Nurses are important health professionals who keep hospitals running and only third world monkeys have disdain for such a noble profession
Yea. Lets put women on the construction sites and men to take care of the weak.
Why are poortuguese people so dumb?
check the rest of the 1st world , all have male nurses, but its something you wouldn't get it
first off, there are things (most) female nurses can't do, heavy lifting and restraining unstable patients being the most important ones.
secondly, not everyone can be a doctor. In here, at least, you need to be an excelent student to even get to medical school, let alone finish it or getting a specialization. Most people are unfit for this, in fact, we export our doctors to rich countries because they pay better than we do and they are in high demand. Instead we end up hiring spanish rejects to fill in the gaps
>we end up hiring spanish rejects to fill in the gaps
aren't those cubans?
not just cubans, but from several latin american countries. But they reach us from spain, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get a work visa easely.
it's a similar system to how brasileans in europe come from portugal and/or italy, first they get a EU passport then move around, in the case of spain I believe they finish some general doctor specialization or internship in spain and then move around EU
Imagine paying to doctors, nurses, teachers, even engineers , what football players get, we could be so much better than we are today
boris the corona dodger
>not just cubans, but from several latin american countries.
RIP, sudacas are basically witch doctors.
Thank god there aren't that many in the spanish healthcare system.
Glad old Bojo pulled through. Maybe Britain can pull through Brexit alright.
oh sheeit