Reminder red countries should be nuked (except Finland and Austria they're cool)...

Reminder red countries should be nuked (except Finland and Austria they're cool). Estonia gets nuked because they're TRAITORS.

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what are eurobonds?

wtf is eurobonds

giving southrons free money

It is complete bullcrap, basically what It does is to redistribute the debt among the member states.

so whats this eurobonds thing?

We must help our Southern brothers. The EU needs to show solidarity towards its members: this is what makes the EU strong. Eurobonds must therefore be implemented

pay coronabonds or go to hell

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Doesn't the vatican have a lot of money and assets?

pay coronagibs or burn in hell

>europeans trying to into proper federation

Why are Poland and Romania green? We aren't even in the Eurozone

Like pottery. When will France and Italy gangbang those jews? This country shouldn't even exist.

because pope said so

Is this indulgences?

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*white people smiles at you*

It is an Italian scam, just like the EU

you worship the pope

Pay up white boy

A joint debt security between all euro states

What does that mean?

Nations that tax their population to the limit need to send that money to the southeners

The debt of all EU nations will be redistributed among the different EU members which is obviously harmful to the frugal ones but the frugal ones are right on this occasion.

I love how everybody constantly shits on us. But when its time to pay up and we say no, all of a sudden its a violation against european solidarity.

But imma protestant n shiet

USA are around 100%

Attached: Debt to gdp ratio EU.png (650x359, 23.67K)

Is that good or bad for my country?

I read it as Euro Bundas at first. I am kinda disappointed

debted to whom?


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>Italy has several hundred billion euros in unpayed annual taxes just sitting there that they are to lazy to collect.
>Instead they choose to indebt themselves further to the wealthy northern states and will have to implement more austerity and privatization.

Italy is such a pointless country, why is the EU even allowing it to exist?

Bad, Your debt will increase and will have to pay someone elseĀ“s debt. It is simply immoral, our govermment is completely shameless to ask for something like this when they have been warned 100 times about the deficit and the debt.

Ah, good to know you've already reserved your place in hell.

there can't exist Europe without Italy and Greece. We created it, it's ours got it wh*Toid?

>proud of being a glorified exploitative landlord

Baste and SouthEuroMigrantpilled

Why do the rich Southtrons want money from us poor Nordicks?

Attached: median_wealth.png (1304x886, 62.32K)

To everyone, just like any other country. Investment banks, individual people, , pension funds, foreigners and nationals, and a long etc.

As we see the italians should tax their own before trying to steal our money

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you all live alone, fake map

Imagine being Italian boomer. After you have sucked dry your own people and your own youth you move on to tax payers of other states.

Northerners should abandon the South and buy Ukrainian eurobonds (yes we have them). And we have many Jews as well, you definitely love giving money to Jews, right?

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You CANNOT have eurobonds without fiscal union.

euro was a mistake

they sound very based to me

ok let's not call them eurobonds, lets call it war reparations

Robbing a beggar of his last penny is a very scummy thing to do.
If anything, we're the one here who need gibs :(