Hey russians, what are somethings i should know about russia if am planning to move there?

Hey russians, what are somethings i should know about russia if am planning to move there?

Attached: moscow_state_uni.jpg (1300x866, 250.38K)

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communism is based

Come to Crimea

What part of Crimea exactly?

russians call sauna banya and wear funny hats

that's true

Attached: 1582597532944.jpg (550x380, 38.5K)

You're not going to Lomonosov. You'll send them an email asking for more info and you'll get the "FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL" after 2 months.


Based MSU

Funny hats?

I wanted to move to Rostov on Don for a little while. It seems comfy.

We do not want you!!!! unless you a QVEEN.

Attached: 1586109163812.jpg (1080x1080, 138.58K)

That's Ukraine

Then why is his flag Russian?

Am not black though, Russian women are beautiful, why would you want a negress?

>Russian women are beautiful
t. Russian woman
Fuck off whore

Lmao, thankfully i graduated college.

Grass is always greener etc
Although some negresses are alright i guess
pipe down incel


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Looks like a mormon or scientology building

trust me you'll be lucky to find one who wasn't a complete hoodlum that wasn't pregnant by 17

Yeah I know

Americans cannot come to Russia. They could bring the New York flu.

Just dedication..

How did you guess am from nyc?

you do not have to be from there precisely. There's big airport so, you can catch the flu during your flights connection

:) dont matter because am sure my visa wont get approved anytime soon

>what are somethings i should know about russia if am planning to move there?
Teбe нe cтoит тyдa eхaть.

>Teбe нe cтoит тyдa eхaть
:( but i think i like russia

Dont listen to him. Come here bro.

crimea is russia not ukraine learn some geography american man

What are some good cities to visit in Crimea, other than Sevastopol? I've heard well of Feodisia and Yevpatoriya.

Этo былo тo, чтo тeбe cлeдyeт знaть, пpeждe чeм eхaть cюдa.