How are you spending quarantine in your country?

how are you spending quarantine in your country?

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ah a new thread so fresh and innocent

>play Go
>Home workout
>Trying to learn Korean
That's it. After a month I'm getting bored

hello internet friends

Having unprotected sex with questionably healthy escorts

Mainly ive been reading and doing some art stuff

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netflix shows, Yas Forums and porn
I don't have the willpower to do anything else
I wish I could fuck prostitutes

Drinking myself silly thinking about cute boys

did you know being gay is illegal in 70~ countries?

With a sever lack of a bf, cuddles and kisses.
Not that I had any before the quarantine either

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lol I just saw a poster I haven't seen in ages and then the thread I tried to reply to him in archived

fuck me

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Starting to run out of beer, got lotsa spirits though

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virtual hugs cuddles and kisses will have to suffice for now

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Someone teach me how to cut my own hair please

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That really sucks, user. I thought your job was gonna be safe for after the quarantine. Can't you apply for the position again once this is over?

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making some people seethe

Working from home and painting is all I do oh and working out.


home gym and alfacon

No, he doesnt want me back, fuck him. Also you replied to wrong post lel

just don't, go to a barber

sounds like a plan!

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you are not cute

binge drinking and playing tabletop simulator with my friends

>At most, i was hinting >;3
Ok, let's fuck. :))))))))))))))))
>You reckon i could catch a ferry from denmark to finland during my euro trip?
>Any plans in the future tho?
Obviously, I know I can't live like this forever, and I don't plan on to. I have my own problems I deal with on a regular basis; be it shaking of minor panic attacks, nihilism towards the world, apathy towards my day to day life or nightmares for example. But if things go well and this lockdown ends soon. I'll most likely seek therapy and one day go back to school I think.

Escorts are very common and inexpensive in large Brazilian cities, what's kept you from visiting one

>go to a barber

its easier to moan about it

i know, he will have to wait

That employer sounds like a cunt, fuck him for real. I'm sure you'll find a better job, with blackjack and cute boys aplenty. I know you can make it :D
I'm pretty sure barbers are all closed nowdays
That's all we got going for us now, I'll have to make do :c

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>this post belongs on /lgbt/

Yuck, shit board.

he is right tho

A tragedy! What kinds of spirits do you have?

Looks like you havent been there

Spiced rum, coconut rum, Eier- Likör and vodka.

it's shit because it's full of fags like you, now go back

have any sujamma, maybe any flin?

what the fuck is she reading

i can't see flags on /lgbt/ though can i

Not really.
I'm not gay tho. I'm bi, lol.

>its shit because its full of fags like me
>im not on it right now
>i have to go back to make it even more shit

this thread content is only about gays, the only thing that make it int related is the flags

No I drank all of that and even more

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pathetic n'wah...

why isnt this tread in /lgtb/?


are all int mods gay?
why dont they mod lgtb instead?

>this thread is offtopic!
>made the same exact thread earlier
based retard macaco

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>Ok, let's fuck. :))))))))))))))))
Name a place & time and i'll be there >;3 you know the drill
Offering free sissygasms all around~

>Obviously, I know I can't live like this forever, and I don't plan on to. I have my own problems I deal with on a regular basis; be it shaking of minor panic attacks, nihilism towards the world, apathy towards my day to day life or nightmares for example. But if things go well and this lockdown ends soon. I'll most likely seek therapy and one day go back to school I think.

I'm glad to hear you've atleast got prospects and plans, far too commonly people have no idea what to do and just live contently being in a cycle of just doing nothing that they can't get out of.
Im sorry to hear tho you've got the problems you have, those all sound terrible and shitty as fuck. All of those combined must fuck you up some days,
But i can honestly respect you more for wanting to push on despite these issues. That's honestly worthy of admiration, im proud of you for really wanting to get out of this bubble of self-loathing and state of disrepair and get help ^^
I actually started therapy 2 or so weeks ago for some personal reasons too, it's REALLY good. Don't underestimate. Sometimes just having someone to talk to does wonders. Going back to school has breathed new life & meaning into my life, life is good :3 you can do the same

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>are all int mods gay?

I'm on red wine now

i love radio

my intentions was to talk with another anons, not just circle jerk with erps

ah I love red wine, I usually only get it with dinner though.

Then why are you here? You can post on any other Yas Forums thread.

>ctrl+f: :3
>24 results

i go on once this type of thread disappear from int, not anytime soon

I'm drinking a Malbec right now. I usually go for something drier and more full bodied though.

>made the exact thread that I made earlier (which was obviously a fag thread) with a fag OP
>I wasn't being a fag, I just wanted to talk with anons

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Ok retard

ah im not familiar with wine terminology

ode to joy is so cool it's probably my favourite beethoven piece