ITT: Posters you recognize

>The Lithuanian who wants to be Western
>The Dutch who hates English cities
>The Peruavian obsessed with Québec
>The Greek who hates the EU
>The white supremacist Portuguese

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That autistic Pole who starts foaming whenever somebody says anything positive about Germany

>The brazilanon
>The Finn obsessed with pajeets

>The dumb American
>The black Brazilian
>The unfunny autistic German
>The arrogant French
>The butthurt Chink/Gook/Nip

>The Canadian with the Tinder obsession
>That Japanese expat that's always in /fr/
>That Dutch poster that makes the PIGS threads

The Lithuanian and the Dutchman who constantly post Black women

The Swedish neet who likes to go fishing


Haven't seen the Finnish muscle girl poster in a few days.

>"it's __:__ here goodnight, lovely people :3" Slovenian

>The Russian propagandist
>The monke putin poster
>The jealous brit
>My mom
>The finn that wants to be American

> The Canadian with the tinder obsession
There is at least two or three leafs who do this

Saudi girl
Austrian who gets in an argument about not being German every single day
Sudan doctor

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>Argentine who loves WWII photographs
>German who loves War Badges/Medals
>Israeli who loves America
>Korean who shitposts B****ED/scat photos
>Italian who posts loves ZUN (pedophile)
>Canadian (Quebec) who constantly makes the same threads about the US

The Canadian user who makes the daily thread about Finnish people having high cheekbones like gooks

>Saudi girl

What? Do we actually know she's a girl?

That subhuman Monkey from Brazil posting in the US that makes constant "i love brazil" posts.

Not a drop of midnight, very odd for one of those tests

>german that lists polish cities as german
>south african nigger that posts the picture with polish death camps
>pole constantly calling nips insects in every thread from them
>australian that defends chinks every-
oh wait the last one are most of the australian posters nvm

Shahar, the only poster you need to recognize

>The Mexican obsessed with Spain
>The Dutch obsessed with Southern Europe in general
>Two spaniards who are gay
>That one guy who always evades the ban
>The other user who lives in my neighborhood

>The white supremacist Portuguese

This lad has been changing his approach on how he writes he's starting to learn. He's still an idiot and thinks that because he posts with a group that he is funny but still.

You making these shit threads

>>german that lists polish cities as german
>>south african nigger that posts the picture with polish death camps
>>pole constantly calling nips insects in every thread from them
Lol based posters

>the schizo netouyo Jap spammer
>the schizo chicano Olmec spammer
>the schizo Iraqi who spams gore if you insult his country


>>That based Riffian guy

there was a ukrainian who's stuck in italy i think

>autistic romanian with finnish flag

>an ugly israeli guy who hates east asians
>the magyar cigany lithuanian

What is it with autistic romanians screwing up boards? We also have a Romanian autist on /sp/ who has become a celebrity there.

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What does he do?