Why doesn't Argentina invade and annex?

Why doesn't Argentina invade and annex?

Attached: Uruguay.png (470x309, 14.73K)

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It's our buffer state.

Why would they invade Brazil? They would lose.

Attached: No sense.png (903x587, 571.07K)

On the contrary, Uruguay should annex Argentina.

Argentina just can't do anything right because of their italian ancestry. If argies were Germans they would've conquered and successfully managed all of the Cono del Sur already

ur a gay

we already did. don't let them know, though.

it's not the italians, it's because speaking spanish kills brain cells

We would never accept that

We're too cool.

Attached: SolMayo.png (636x715, 1.03M)

It's english actualy.
Even braindead morons can speak english.

t. braindead mroon

We wanted the virgin and pure Malvinas but she is a whore now, we don't care about Slutruguay

This. Also dulce de leche, tango and Gardel are Uruguayan

Falklands (UK)


The islanders are slaves to the BPC (big penguin cloaca)

What do Uruguayans think of the Malvinas?

We all believe they belong to the UK, but there exists a relatively large group of people who believe they should belong to us (Honestly it's just to piss off the Argies more)

>there exists a relatively large group of people who believe they should belong to us
based as fuck

It's true.
Some reasons they give:
First boat to dock on the Falkland Islands came from Uruguay
The Falklands used to be managed by Montevideo
Book in pic related

If you're still interested, you can read;

Attached: las-malvinas-son-uruguayas-juan-ackerman-villegas-oromi-D_NQ_NP_747849-MLU28194567418_092018-F.jpg (1200x800, 210.41K)


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because we don't care about uruguay

Going to war with literal countrylets in the 21st century? lol

Why is uruguay so based? Is it safe for me to travel there

Because we'd kick their asses if they did

Only the capital is unsafe. Imagine The Bronx or St. Louis levels of homicide.

How many Colombians live there?

Colonia is kino. Very interesting place

>Argentina should adopt us, say Chile protesters

How bad is it compared to my city

Attached: 2132B813-DF2A-4609-8CB6-70FF2062AEDE.jpg (828x379, 176.06K)


Colonia looks very pretty. I was actually planning on going to south america before the lockdown nonsense. I saw a picture of 1940s cars lining the street. Is that just a tourist attraction or something