Is it embarrassing/shameful to have brown eyes in Europe?

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Brown-eyed janny's gonna freak.

I prefer women with brown eyes

Of course, it looks like literal shit. It makes me want to puke when talking to a brown eyed "person", he literally has shit in his eyes and expects me to hold eye contact. I wish that brown eyed people were forbidden from making eye contact with people of the light.

I doubt it. I have brown eyes, and two light-eyed dudes told me they're jealous of my eyes.

only in nothern europe i guess

Kek, biggest lie I’ve read all day

True. They should wear sunglasses for the public good

Bro they were bantering you

No, why must Canadians make mutt tier posts?

How blue-eyed is Canada? What's the %?

Among whites, 90% are blue/green. Since Canada is 70% white that's about 63% blue/green. Strictly speaking though you're not white if you have brown eyes. Also it'll depend on if you're in a city or rural area. In rural areas it'll be 90-100% light eyed and in cities it'll be the opposite (due to immigrants)

Yes atleast in Finland.

>Among whites, 90% are blue/green
i doubt it

Well, most Canadians are British, aren't they? Most Brits have blue yes

with all the asian migrants and WMAF couples, it's not realistic at all

Most whites here are of English/Scandinavian/Irish/Northern French stock and the light eye percentage reflects the light eye percentage of those people. It's dragged down by Southern Europeans and Balkanites who are included in the white category

Not if they’re light

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Hyper cringe.

>you're not white if you have brown eyes
This is some weird gate keeping. How about you're not white if you're not at least an 8/10, over 6 ft, let's keep it going. I guess whites are being genocided after all.

Of course not. At least half of Europeans have brown eyes

No they don't. Brits are swarthy and soulless.
And the amount of brits with light eyes, even if it were above 50%, is definitely not 90% or anywhere close.

None of the groups you listed do not have 90% light eyes. Fool.
Finns are the ethnic group with the highest amount of light eyes and even we are below 90%.
If you continue this nonsense I will consider you brown eyed since you are on their level .

>Among whites, 90% are blue/green. Since Canada is 70% white that's about 63% blue/green. Strictly speaking though you're not white if you have brown eyes. Also it'll depend on if you're in a city or rural area. In rural areas it'll be 90-100% light eyed and in cities it'll be the opposite (due to immigrants)

>Well, most Canadians are British, aren't they? Most Brits have blue yes

> Anonymous 04/12/20(Sun)20:16:49 No.121354867▶

Most whites here are of English/Scandinavian/Irish/Northern French stock and the light eye percentage reflects the light eye percentage of those people. It's dragged down by Southern Europeans and Balkanites who are included in the white category

The things new worlders say fucking hell.

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>even we are below 90%.
What? You and Scandis are 95%+. You guys have higher standards for "blonde" and "light eyes". Sometimes murky green eyes can be considered dark in Northern Europe but they are counted as light in the statistics

Brown eyes are brown eyes no matter how you cope. You must be below 50% in light eyes even for whites.

Cope, blue eyed portuguese are like 5% of the population

I have blue eyes in a country that is only like 15% blue eyed. People don't really care about eye color. Facial features seem to be more important.

Not even gonna bother

Why do you keep posting about brown eyes? Do you have autism or something?

>Among whites, 90% are blue/green

Green eyes is a mutt eyes

True.. green is often a result of brown + blue or brown + brown

Seek help eyes/

god i wish i were dead...

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I bet women in Europe prefer men with brown eyes, just like russian girls are always ready for that Chechen cock.

Lol. I'd have to agree. This is what a proper brown eye looks like.

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not in here

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I would say Ireland has nearly 90% light eyes. Nearly everyone has blue eyes.

This. To claim Finns have under 90% light eyes is ridiculous

But you are much lower when it comes to light hair.

Shut up poo eye.
Canada has 67% light eyes. But this study is very old so the amount has decreased.
Finland has 89%. The highest in the world. As well as 80% light hair, the highest in the world.