This quarantine is so boring user.. do you wanna have sex or something?

>this quarantine is so boring user.. do you wanna have sex or something?
What is the correct move in this situation?

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Put a baby in her belly of course

is that michael jackson


Sorry but no.
I can fingerbang you if you want but that's as far as I'll go.

I'm not attracted to black women,.

low test

Do you have a poor sense of smell?


That explains why you're attracted to Black women. They smell repulsive.

They have better hygiene than most women, white women don't even wash the lower parts of their legs

>y-yes m'kveen


This is lie, I'm black and I know. Aside from my family, all of them smell like BO or just like there is something off about them. Nafri women smell the best even if you can smell them from across the street.

Definitely not true here. Thing is, the smell is so strong that it pierces through all the cocoa butter they drench on themselves. Even the strippers smell vile through the layers of perfume.

The best way I can describe it is a mixture of BO, rotten corn, and rotten wood.

Brazilians Kek. Bet you’re South Brazilian cause all you claim to be huwite

>or something?
Such as?

In my experience growing up in a middle class community, most groids, male or female didn’t smell bad. But I think it’s just cunts from the hood or something:

Watching goodfellas?

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Why are you in my house

post bbc

There's a reason I opened by asking about weak sense of smell. See, I have a particularly strong sense of smell, and I can smell individual odors well, so things like deodorant and perfume don't mask smells all the well to me. There are definitely some varieties in smell across different races. Most people in general smell okay if they're healthy and have good hygiene, but the BO starts coming out as the hours since last shower increase, especially if they sweat.

Post small Chinese cock

post medium sized mestizo dick

Not a spic.

Uhh y-you too

have sex with her. How is this even a question?

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report it to the authorities for being a tranny

mestizos have big dicks too,maybe not as big as negroes

this but unironically

you got btfo son