Why do Americans do this?

Why do Americans do this?

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I eat the shells.

She is probably keeping the egg shells to put into a blender and make a powder. egg shells are high in calcium.

yeah, shells are the best part of eggs

So they don't drip all over the floor when you take them to the trashcan

>American "banter"

my aunt does this

Why are their eggs brown?

It’s not banter, it’s a straightforward answer to your question

Different kinds of hens, you probably also have both brown and white eggs in supermarkets

My mother does that when she's planning to use up all the eggs in the carton and throw it out after.

>Just put them in the garden, bro.

Attached: gigachad gardener.jpg (1242x1394, 674.46K)

brown eggs come from brown hens, white eggs from white hens.

we throw our egg shells in a compost bucket to use for growing plants

I've never seen

White hens made for BBC

Attached: black chicken.png (945x555, 787.55K)

That's pretty neat if true.

It is, but the meat is more of a grey colour than pure black:

A lot of that food looks really good.

Brown eggs are very common.

Aren't all eggs brown? What color would they be otherwise?

It's actually clever since now you see how many eggs you have used from the egg box

All eggs here are white

>you can see how many eggs you've used
Couldn't you just, y'know, see that there's nothing there?
Fin education at it's finest

Yes on the inside. The shell is brown though

Are the eggs black as well?

No the shell also. I've never seen brown eggs

The shells are either brown or white. The shittier eggs from indoor chickens tend to be white, whereas the better eggs from outdoor chickens seem to be brown from what I've seen. Here's a white egg

Attached: 937f1207-9abe-4339-8ed6-16988c7ce27e.jpg (1200x1600, 75.03K)

you have to eat all the eggs

Attached: eggs.jpg (1024x479, 50.49K)

I recommend trying out free range eggs, they taste way better. I'm having these white ones now though

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once you've used all the eggs you can compost the whole thing
doesn't make a difference

Lot of finnish egg experts ITT

Our ducks lay green and yellow eggs.
Pic related, they're pretty much like this. The Indian runners lay green ones and the mixed ducks lay the yellowish ones.

Attached: fresh-duck-eggs.jpg (900x672, 550.92K)

Attached: d7e.jpg (1200x1200, 47.36K)


it's a common thing, it's useful for gardening
i doubt the plan is eating it

Do Americans really?

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This, and you feed them back to the chickens

Only white people do that. My exgf who was white who did that yeah she sucked my big brown latino cock and she was half german and mutt

you know, the white in finnish flag represents egg

Because they are americans


What does the blue represents?

like milk and chocolate milk?