You can only post in this thread if your country had totally controlled the virus because you’re neighbors with China...

You can only post in this thread if your country had totally controlled the virus because you’re neighbors with China and know how they are.

Attached: 0FCA2DDB-6352-451F-9EBD-9FC74C18F26B.png (92x61, 517)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why do you have Samoa's flag

It was our’s first.


Attached: greater mongolia.png (888x634, 80.48K)

Mongolia never had Japan and Taiwan

Shut up Mongol rapebaby.

>your country
t. davido
t. Zhang

You've been nice to me Taiwan so I won't be mean. But I hope you know burgers are just using you to advance their agenda. They would let your whole island burn if it helped them contain China somehow. Of course they're hoping you feel the same, that your hatred for the mainland is so great you'll lose all sense of self-preservation. I would advise you to learn to play greater powers against each other instead of being a pawn to just one.

That is all.

Wow, what an astute observation that nobody in the country or the government or political discourse has ever brought up before.

Thank you Thailand.

Should have been a Japanese colony.

>Wow, what an astute observation that nobody in the country or the government or political discourse has ever brought up before.
Then why do you people still continue to suck America's dick?

How exactly are they sucking American dick?

Because it’s preferable to the communist dictatorship constructing an Orwellian AI driven next generation police state which killed millions of its own citizens and still routinely does so.

60% of our cases are returning from the West or peru
Voluntary lockdown since January 29

>Because it’s preferable to the communist dictatorship
I know you're a VPN user, but you could at least make it more believable
>police state which killed millions of its own citizens
Like really

>Wow, what an astute observation
It's worth bringing up since you literally just clean burger shit and refuse to even try playing major powers against each other. As a result, you're one country's bitch and another country's sworn enemy. Basically made all the wrong moves.

Attached: tw.jpg (801x798, 191.22K)

what's the taiwanese Yas Forums / Reddit ? I'm studying chinese, I've tried PTT but I don't get how it work

You're going to be liberated sooner rather than later, best start preparing your anus

>local disagrees with me so it must be a VPN


Attached: A81C0675-3B73-4C36-9C5F-FC6F7FD9AA9D.jpg (4032x3024, 3.41M)

More like province


Even worse
You're a sexpat

Attached: 1585278262196.jpg (287x287, 13.15K)
>t. feetfag weeb sexpat

damn now I want me some 豬肉乾

Oh god and here I thought he was a real Taiwanese. He's just like that Mongolian proxynigger.

Ptt is full of shit

the only real taiwanese on Yas Forums is me and I'm currently in japan
every taiwanese flag you see here will be a Davido or vpn cause taiwanese have their own image board


thanks user

That sucks. All these davidos are are representing you poorly.

Can someone explain the Davido meme? I do not understand.

It's just a general term for all expats in Asian countries. No one's saying your name is literally David, you're probably a Cameron or Madison or Caleb or I dunno... Matthew? I agree though that these names should be updated, I doubt anyone is named "David" anymore.

Thanks, but there are 3 Taiwanese posters in the thread if I think correct, I’m not the expat.

It's okay if you are, I'm not passing judgment. At least half the flags on this board aren't who they seem.